

COMMENT: Flaherty talks another bank into higher mortgage rates

By: Rob McLister, Canada Mortgage Trends On Friday, Manulife Bank posted its lowest rate ever on a 5-year fixed mortgage, 2.89%. It lasted for four days. When our big brothers at the Department of Finance (DoF) caught wind of it, they dialed up Manulife and swayed the bank into raising its rate back to 3.09%. “We don’t want...

Thoughtstream rockets to success

Thoughtstream, a comprehensive online stakeholder engagement system, makes the Rocket Builders 11th annual Ready to Rocket list. The list names 25 private BC companies positioned for growth in the rapidly growing information and communications technology sector. The evolution of the online survey, Thoughtstream supports leaders...

Protecting pooch (and other pets) now part of emergency paradigm

We've all heard the stories about the faithful pooches who smell smoke and save their families from burning to death by waking everyone in time to get out. But what happens if good ol' Rover (or Fido or Spot) ends up suffering from smoke inhalation, or has a weak heart that can't bear up under the strain of emergency? The...

FortisBC PowerSense asks residents to turn every hour into an 'Earth Hour'

For the fifth consecutive year, FortisBC is encouraging individuals and communities to pledge to reduce electricity and natural gas use during Earth Hour from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. March 23. “FortisBC PowerSense encourages customers to turn every hour into an ‘Earth Hour’ by making impactful changes that can reduce energy use and...

Mir Lecture Series presents Wade Davis: The Wayfinders: Why ancient wisdom matters in the modern world

The Mir Lecture Series and the Columbia Basin Trust present renowned anthropologist Wade Davis April 3 in Nelson. Davis leads us on a thrilling journey to celebrate the wisdom of the world's indigenous cultures.  Understanding the lessons of this journey will be our mission for the next century so we do not lose this vast...

Seedy Sunday means it must be spring...

“Seed is the source of life and the first link in the food chain.  Control over seed means a control over our lives, our food and our freedom.” Physicist and activist Vandana Shiva It’s time to dust off the gardening equipment and start planning your crops for this year! Rossland REAL Food’s annual Seedy Sunday and Interact...

COMMENT: Blueberry Creek Community School is a great community service

From the outside Blueberry Creek Community School (BCCS) looks like any typical small older rural elementary school but BCCS is anything but typical. BCCS is a Ministry of Education designated Neighbourhood of Learning and a Ministry of Children and Family Development designated Community HUB. Both ministerial designations ...

The question of Job, or, why does bad happen?

Human beings should be treasured. Material is to be used. Our crises now all originate from one source – things are treasured, people are used. Very little commentary is posted after my columns. I do wonder if I am writing into a vacuum sometimes. But then, I have felt the same over a dozen years of broadcasting a program on...

COMMENT: My thoughts on the proposed Electoral Boundaries report and why action is needed

First, let me acknowledge that this is a very challenging and demanding task and I believe the Electoral Boundary Commission has overall worked hard to try to come up with something manageable in an environment where there will always be disagreement and inevitable disappointment. I will also go on record in suggesting my...

The Rural BC Project: How to revive our rural communities

Submitted by Grace McGregor, Regional District Kootenay Boundary Area C Director It has been my pleasure for the past four years to be involved in discussions with other elected officials, academics and numerous community leaders throughout BC in the creation of “The Rural BC Project.”  The article that follows is an explanation...

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