

Healthy Tips for the Holidays--courtesy of IHA

In anticipation of heavy volumes at area Emergency Departments over the holiday season, Interior Health is reminding the public to take a few simple steps to avoid unnecessary trips to the hospital. For non-urgent care during office hours, call your family doctor or the doctor on call for the practice or clinic. Consider going...

COMMENT: Strategies

The story of the 2012 US presidential election we should pay attention to in Canada is not the performance of the candidates; it is a story of mathematics. The star in this regard is Nate Silver who predicted the outcome of the election with uncanny accuracy. Most pollsters held that the election was too close to call. Silver,...

New shoots

It was the end of times. On moving to Trail from Castlegar we kept our rent down by agreeing to take down some of the trees that were rooting far too close to foundations and roof lines for either comfort or the good of the house. All told, I created stumps from an evergreen, two deciduous, and an ancient birch. The remains...

Fast forward

A few months into the new blended learning model at Rossland Secondary School and we are able to take some time to reflect on the successes, as well as discuss the adjustments we need to make. We know it takes time to implement change and for the students and teachers to adjust to the new system and realize that the program...

Kootenay Contraption Contest 2012 in full swing

Imagine the year is 2050. Gigantic, funny-shaped towers surround your view, a hovercraft zips by and of course, your robot butler hands you your drink. While we may still be far from this sort of scenario, one of the most important questions then (as now) is: “How will we use less energy?” KAST- GLOWS (Growing, Learning...

Queen’s Jubilee medals presented to four deserving Kootenay West Constituents

Katrine Conroy, MLA for Kootenay West presented Queen’s Jubilee medals to four deserving constituents during November. As a Member of the BC Legislature, Katrine was allowed to nominate four people for the Queen’s Jubilee Medal which is being given out for outstanding community service. She had a committee that made sure that...

New snow tempting but it's good to be cautious

New snow is calling to those who enjoy winter sports, but the Canadian Avalanche Center suggests enthusiasts be observant. Light amounts of new snow fell in the region on Wednesday night and the forecasted wind and snow will add to the size and reactivity of this developing slab, according to Joe Lammers, one of the center's...

The Ktunaxa and sacred land--and Jumbo

On Thursday last (November 22), we met with the Ktunaxa elders at the site of the former Residential School (St. Eugene Mission) near Cranbrook to offer our testimony in support of their expression of faith and spirituality. “We?”You ask? United Church ministers: Frank Lewis, of Cranbrook, Christine Dudley of Kimberley, and...

Shuttle to Red Mountain this season, Gangnam style

Two new shuttle services to Red Mountain Resort have been negotiated for this ski season, one all the way to and from Spokane, and one a short five minute ride between Rossland and Red.Deanne Steven of Tourism Rossland (TR) announced the new services to Rossland’s council at Monday evening's regular meeting. She was particularly...

You decide: Does social media make us lonely?

According to a recent IPSOS poll “nearly one-half of online Canadians (45%) are now visiting a social networking site at least once a week, and 30% visit daily”; source:  http://www.ipsos-na.com/news-polls/pressrelease.aspx?id=5286. But what is regular use of social media doing for us? Are we more connected and thus happier? ...

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