

LETTER: Fortis replies to gas marketer letter

Dear Editor, This is a response to one of your readers expressing concerns regarding the Customer Choice program and the role of gas marketers. Since the launch of the Customer Choice program, British Columbians have been able to choose who supplies their natural gas. They can choose FortisBC’s variable rate or sign a fixed-term,...

Kootenay and Boundary local governments call on the province to help fix local government funding

Local Governments provide a broad range of services for their constituents and cannot continue to do so given the current funding formula of 8 cents on the dollar.  60 local government officials, from communities throughout southeastern BC, met with the Executive Board of the Association of Kootenay and Boundary Local Governments...


Often, when reviewing my scars, I wonder why I have them at all. If cells replicate every seven years or so, where do scars come from? Shouldn't they disappear with the next round of shedding? Maybe it's good they don't. Good to see that patch of skin burned white by molten zinc - remember to tuck the gloves in next time....

UPDATED: Snowfall warning remains for West Kootenay

Environment Canada still has a snowfall warning in effect for the West Kootenay area as of 5 a.m. Tuesday. The forecast has snow ending this morning then cloudy with 60 percent chance of rain showers or flurries and accumulations of five centimeters. Tuesday evening there’s a 40 percent chance of rain showers or flurries...

COMMENT: Conservative ominous omnibus bills – The art of stealing power from democracy

Alex Atamanenko, MP (BC Southern Interior) is slamming the Conservative government’s second mammoth Omnibus Budget Bill this year which amends over 40 separate Acts, guts a series of commissions that protect the public interest and concentrates even more power in Ministers’ hands. The BC MP denounced the government’s measures...

LETTER: Fortis came in like a Lamb but turning out to be a Lion

Dear editor, The nice friendly community power company that bought-out West Kootenay Power is showing us a different side. They are walking out on the City of Trail without even saying good bye. The city of Penticton is looking for alternate power sources as Fortis is too expensive. Their new rates are really putting it to ...

Frodo lives: Middle Earth, Evil, and the decline of religion in the West.

At Christmas this year we will be treated once again to a film adaptation of a fantasy by Tolkien, this time The Hobbit. I am gratified because this author and his works form one foundation of the kind of person I have become, insofar as a book of fiction is fundamental to how one understands the world. What is it about Tolkien...

LETTER: Don't be taken in - gas marketers in town

To the Editor: A colorfully dressed man named Raad and his associate were making calls on people’s homes in the 7000 block of 18th Street in Grand Forks last week. When he called on my uncle he said that he was “with the Access people and was there to protect buyers from rising gas prices.” He said he could give him a guaranteed...

All good things must come to an end, even the great summer weather

As they say in the Kootenays, wait five minutes and the weather will change. Not so since late July when a blocking upper ridge over most of B.C. kept inclement weather away and B.C. the envy of the rest of Canada. “Simple reason for the long summer weather is what we call a blocking upper ridge,” said Chris Cowan, a meteorologist...

Reflections on freedom, necessity, and fate. Politics also come into it.

“There is more under heaven and earth than is dreamt of in your philosophy, Horatio.”     [Shakespeare, Hamlet] What’s on your mind? I have half a mind to say no. I am of two minds about what to do. Mind your manners. It’s a case of mind over matter. I don’t mind. I am minded to do that. Never mind. Put your mind to work. I...

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