

Crowd demands answers from mining proponents

Proposed environmental and safety precautions are not enough for residents along the Granby River north of Grand Forks to believe that a granite mine, whose products are heading to China, should proceed. “The negative impacts far outweigh the benefits to this community or to Canada,” said Dana Riester who lives near the bluff....

Our minds, ourselves, and our constructed reality

Thanks to a recent Nelson council meeting, everyone is focused on the subject of drugs. Adrian Barnes‘ June 30 opinion piece is an example, and another is a letter in the Star. I quote that letter by K.M. Sykes: …it’s paramount to ask the right [questions}, the deeper ones, the ones that embrace a higher level of awareness…...

Speaking truth to crazy

Truth be told, the truth is elusive. It can never be “final” since it is grounded in the human mindset and limited to facts known at a point in time. As more details become known, social attitudes and customs change and a new truth emerges. This is our life story, yet humans hunger for a reality that is anchored to our senses....

Hail and slush cause logging truck to sideswipe minivan

A logging truck sideswiped a minivan after losing control on the slush that covered Highway 3 around the Mud Lake area – just east of the Paulson Bridge – at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, July 3.  “That was ugly weather,” said Trail RCMP sergeant Rob Hawthon. “(The bad weather) was not unusual but not to that extent. You’re at a pretty...

Employment: Myths versus reality

When it comes to jobs and the economy we often get conflicting messages as to how many jobs were actually created.  I thought it would be interesting to share some figures that Statistics Canada released for the month of May. THE BASICS The Canadian economy as a whole added just 7,700 jobs in May – a relatively weak showing. ...

Small businesses in Koots FLIP over savings

More than 1,300 small businesses in the Okanagan and Kootenays are reaping big savings on their electricity bills thanks to a $6.85 million lighting installation program sponsored by the Province of British Columbia and FortisBC.  “Small businesses in the Okanagan and Kootenays wanted a program that would make saving energy...

Christina Lake Golf Club to host women’s provincial amateur golf tournament this week

Six local Christina Lake Golf Club members are set to golf alongside 66 other competitors from across the province during the 2012 British Columbia Women’s Amateur/Mid-Amateur Championships, July 3-6. Round one tee time starts at 7:30 a.m. tomorrow (Tuesday, July 3) and at regular intervals all morning long as the top women...

IN REVIEW: Prometheus - the beginning of the story

My craving for a great science fiction / alien thriller was thoroughly satiated this weekend after an intense ride with director Ridley Scott aboard the spaceship Prometheus. Scott's classic original Alien set the bar high for every alien from space film for the past   three decades. As a co-owner of the Alien trilogy, I have...

UN advisor returns to Kootenays from Rio with new hope for local solutions … and little faith in global ones

United Nations trade and climate change advisor Aaron Cosbey—a Rossland resident—attended the first Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, and he was back again last week for the glitz, fanfare, and "complete failure" of the Rio +20 anniversary conference."It was a very predictable thing," Cosbey said, listing many reasons...

Public viewing area open at Waneta Expansion Project

Partners in the Waneta Expansion Project - Fortis Inc., Columbia Power Corporation and Columbia Basin Trust – and the Community Impact Management Committee invite you to visit the project’s viewing area this summer. The viewing area and platform, constructed by the contractor, provide a place across Highway 22A to safely watch...

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