

Giant Hogweed: it’s nasty and it’s here…

Gardeners may be unwittingly spreading invasive plants throughout the Kootenays. Giant hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum), an invasive plant that can be extremely harmful to people, has recently been discovered in the New Denver area.   The Central Kootenay Invasive Plant Committee (CKIPC) has worked collaboratively with the Invasive Plant Council of BC local Hot Spots team […]

CBT VP moving on to Waneta expansion project

Wally Penner, Vice President of Community Partnerships, is leaving Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) to join SNC-Lavalin Inc. as the Regional Project Manager for the Waneta Expansion Project, announced Neil Muth, CBT President and CEO. “This is an exciting opportunity for Wally to literally be a part of building a legacy that both present and future generations will benefit from; however, […]

Fox News North – Not! Savour the victory

It’s quite a come down. From in-your-face arrogance to a total retreat in a matter of a few months, the big money behind Quebecor’s determination to set up a Fox news North is now looking pretty humble.There’s no doubt that part of this is overreach on the part of Pierre Karl Peladeau and his junkyard-dog front man Kory...

Leaders, parties and businesses that ignore Blogosphere do so at their peril

Almost hate to admit it, but I am old enough to remember the advent of television in Canada. In Montreal, in the early 1950s, it all began with two television stations: CBMT (English) and CBFT (French), and we would watch, mesmerized by anything they broadcast',even the Indian head test patterns, with their various very...

Fighting a Cold 101

 Well here I am attempting to stop the start of something awful. A cold. I know many of you will say, “’Tis the season!” Well, I don’t believe in the whole “flu season” or “cold season” nonsense. But that’s for a whole different column. And I’ll be honest: I don’t believe in taking things for […]

Mir Lecture explores foundation for peace with David Cory

Selkirk College’s Mir Centre for Peace Lecture Series invites you to explore the foundation for peace on the planet with Vancouver-based Emotional Intelligence Specialist David Cory. As a specialist in the Emotional Intelligence field for the past 12 years, David Cory will share stories and review humankind’s ability to evaluate, manage and control emotions which […]

Who says it's hard being Green? Lone Sheep welcomes The Nelson Daily!

This week, we’re proud to announce the latest addition to the Lone Sheep family of newspapers: The Nelson Daily. Owned and operated by Tim Schafer and Bruce Fuhr, both formerly of the now-defunct Nelson Daily News and Peter Sheets formerly of the Trail Rossland News, the new Nelson Daily promises to be a vital and vigorous […]

Don't give Canada a Security Council seat

Stephen Harper's hypocritical performance at the United Nations, in aid of winning a seat for Canada on the Security Council, should be enough by itself for Canadians to rise up in unison and say we don't deserve it. Both the NDP and Liberals have said that the seat is for Canada, not for the Conservatives, and that...

Anti-recall strategy: Attack the messenger, not the message

The Liberal strategy for fighting recall is now very clear: go after Bill VanderZalm personally, since they apparently don’t believe they can beat recall on the issues. And their attack strategy has been picked up by their mouthpieces in the media: either deliberately, trying to scuttle recall, or naively by taking up the...

Selkirk faculty awarded for professional excellence

Selkirk College’s Standing Committee on Professional Excellence (SCOPE) is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2009/2010 awards for its faculty. The purpose of the SCOPE awards is to recognize and promote both long-term and innovative professional excellence. Faculty and staff are nominated for the awards by students ...

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