
RDKB hosts Flood Planning Workshop for local farmers

March 15th, 2022

Help is on hand for those who work the land across the Kootenays and Boundary region.

The Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB) has joined forces with the Climate and Agriculture Initiative BC to deliver a free virtual workshop for local farmers, producers and ranchers on Tuesday, March 17 at 9 am – 11.30 am (PDT). 

During the live and interactive event, participants will be able to benefit from the knowledge of Chris Marsh, an emergency management professional with over 25 years’ experience.  By the end of the session, they will be equipped with a Farm Flood Readiness Toolkit to mitigate the risks and proactively protect their land and livelihoods with a flood preparedness plan.

“Flooding can and does have a devastating impact on communities and when it hits there is usually very little time to respond but its impact can definitely be minimized with careful planning,” says Mark Stephens, manager of emergency programs at the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary.  “This is a great initiative which formalizes the extensive knowledge farmers already have, into a plan, that protects and future proofs their investments,” he adds.

Those interested in attending the event can register and find out more via https://kootenayfarmflood.eventbrite.ca

Hardcopies of the ‘Farm Flood Readiness Toolkits’ are available from RDKB’s Trail and Grand Forks offices prior to the event as an alternative to a downloadable digital version upon registration.

Categories: General
