RDCK waste facility user fees to change
Beginning in the New Year, revised user fee schedules will be in effect at Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) landfills and transfer stations.
The changes come as part of the RDCK’s overall update of its resource recovery facilities regulatory bylaw.
Rates for key fee categories are detailed below. Rates are effective Jan.1.
For mixed waste
Central Sub-Region (Marblehead, Kaslo, Balfour, Ymir, Salmo)
- Current $80/tonne goes to $85/tonne
West Sub-Region (Edgewood, Burton, Nakusp, Rosebery, Slocan, Ootischenia)
- Current $80/tonne goes to $85/tonne
Nelson Transfer Station
- Current $100/tonne stays the same at $100/tonne
Construction, Demolition and Renovation Waste
- All Facilities: Current $260/tonne rate goes to $200/tonne
Wood Waste
For all facilities except Nelson Transfer Station
- Current $40/tonne goes to $50/tonne
Nelson Transfer Station
- $60/tonne goes down to $50/tonne
Residents and businesses are encouraged to consult the full text of the bylaw to review all changes to the user fee schedules. More information is available online at