
Quick thinking by Salmo resident gives phone scammer the busy signal

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
March 25th, 2012

Quick thinking saved a Salmo resident a substantial amount of money.

As a result Salmo RCMP are now involved, investigating an attempted fraud regarding a suspicious phone call Friday to a Salmo resident. 

The caller pretended to be the grand daughter of the resident, claiming to have been involved in an impaired accident in Montreal, Quebec. 

The caller requested $2,500.00 be transferred to a third party via Western Union for the grand daughter’s legal fees to avoid spending the weekend in jail. 

The Salmo resident quickly identified the story as false and no monies were transferred.  Internet queries of the call back number 514-365-3558 show this scam has been circulating for several years.  

It is unknown how the caller obtained the information she had for the Salmo resident.
Salmo RCMP remind the general public to hang up and dial *57 immediately after receiving suspicious phone calls of a serious nature. 

This will activate a call trace and the information can be available to law enforcement for further investigation.

Categories: Crime
