
Selkirk College introduces new five year strategic plan

By Contributor
February 2nd, 2013

As part of the launch of their new website, Selkirk College has released their new five year strategic plan that outlines Selkirk’s aspirations for development and renewal in a rapidly changing and complex post secondary sector in BC and across the world. The plan describes a renewed mission and vision for the institution and includes five “Pillars of Success” and five Strategic Directions that will guide Selkirk College into 2018.

This work was done in a “made at Selkirk” approach that saw expertise from within the college assigned to oversee the process of consultations, the compilation of the feedback and ideas generated, and the drafting of a plan that received approval from the Board of Governors in the fall of 2012.  

Discussions with students, staff and community members were inclusive and diverse. The consultations ranged from open houses in seven communities in the West Kootenay and Boundary regions, focus groups with students, an online survey, as well as a college-wide event for staff during the annual professional development day last spring.  Consultations produced over 2,300 ideas and suggestions which were themed using a locally designed software program called Thoughtstream.  Community members and students were invited back into the process to assist in prioritizing the themes.

The process began in November 2011 with the three internal consultants, Theresa Southam, Jane Green and Allison Alder, wrapping up their work in August 2012. The final plan can be viewed on the college’s new website at http://selkirk.ca/strategic-plan

“I’m really excited about the direction this plan is taking Selkirk College. We have so much to offer our students and the vibrant communities that we are a part of,” says Angus Graeme, President.  “As the college approaches its 50th birthday in 2016, this plan provides the vision and direction for us to focus on the best ways to attract students, provide them with a high quality education, leading to a career or further study, while at the same time continuing to modernize and expand our partnerships with our many communities and stakeholders.”

Bruce Morrison, Chair of the Selkirk College Board of Governors, is confident in the plan.  “Whatis tremendously important to our region is that this Strategic Plan was developed in consultation with all of our stakeholders. The team traveled throughout the region, meeting with diverse community members and collecting their ideas and input.   This really is a “made in the Kootenay” Strategic Plan.   It will guide us forward, and ensure we do the best job of developing our future local citizens.”

For more information on the Selkirk College Strategic Plan 2013-2018, please contact Gary Leier, Director of Community Relations and Human Resources at gleier@selkirk.caor call 250.365.7292.

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