
Candidate says so long, but not good-bye

Joseph Hughes
By Joseph Hughes
May 24th, 2013

Dear Editor;

To the free citizens of Kootenay West, I owe you thanks. From family and friends to the thousands who made their voice clear on the election ballot,
thank you. I chose to step forward to represent you and the support I received was amazing. The calls, e-mails and talks on the street were so
empowering. This community has a fantastic trait; that is the support for
neighbours that aspire. Nothing makes a community stronger than the desire to see each other reach goals and dreams. I am so honoured by the words of support before and after the election. Through this rollercoaster adventure, it was those words that helped my family rise again from the challenging lows.

To those who contributed money. Wow. I have never considered sending money to someone looking for election. To be given hard earned money to go forward and fight for our rights and representation against such odds is again such an honour. I hope I earned your support.

The task was insurmountable and I truly would not have attempted it if it
wasn’t for the support I felt this community had. My wife Carlee did more
in the last month than I knew a person could, and my children we along the whole way. Janet and Crystal Spicer- Few know of your commitment to this community. Through your passion for the Columbia River I have gained an understanding of the incredible change this valley has endured. We all owe you thanks for the work you give to this valley and surely will in time to come.

‘Lush, full of diverse life and bountiful,’ words that once described this valley. Few can remember the potential that was sacrificed for energy. In the 1960s the voices of the people were not listened to, since then the valley has received pittance for what was sacrificed. This process is beginning again, and soon it will be 2024. I truly feel water, not power will be the primary interest in this debate. Show the government how we have
grown since the 60’s and that we need to look to the future with the knowledge of how vulnerable our environment is. Because we live here it is our fight. If not us than who?

Please do not forget what these elections mean for all of us. We are asked once every four years who shall represent our voices. I challenge us all be more involved in government actions that concern us. If we all gave a fraction of our time to issues that speak loudly to us, we could start
creating the changes we want to see. Be conscious of the consequences of what we buy. Look out your window and ask yourself if this valley is worth speaking up for, if our province is sustainable and if our country is the nation you wish it to be. Though the election has ended the momentum has not, and the conversation must not.


Joseph Hughes

Categories: Op/EdPolitics
