
Local CUPW president says Canada Post changes coming to Nelson in 2016

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
July 31st, 2015

Nelson Posties have received word they are the latest local to get their walking papers as part of changes of operations announced by Canada Post.

Local Canadian Union of Postal Workers president, Brenda Musoby-Yanke said in a media release Canada post made an announcement Wednesday to workers of the Nelson Post Office postal transformation coming to Nelson in 2016.

“The local management informed the Carriers that a restructured will occur late winter or early spring,” said Musoby-Yanke.

“That means Community Mail Boxes (CMBs) will  be place throughout the city and vehicles will be purchased and operated with fossil fuel instead of  by our now Letter Carriers.”

Canada Post surprised many by announcing cost-cutting measures — including a loss of door-to-door mail delivery in favour of community mailboxes — in December of 2013.

“The postal service of the future will reflect and serve Canadians’ new postal needs,” said the press release at the time.

Musoby-Yanke said the changes will not only will affect CUPW workers but also the company who delivers the parcel in your neighbourhood.

This this company employees about five people who live and support this city just like the letter carriers of this town.

Musoby-Yanke believes the only way to make a change is to change the government, which is expected to call the next Federal Election this weekend.

“This government has made no bones about it ‘ they are for big business and big business only’. They have lost sight of why they are our government. We need a government that is for the people.

“This government has made no bones about it ‘ they are for big business and big business only’,” she said.

“They have lost sight of why they are our government.”

Muscoby-Yanke said the local Nelson CUPW unions is planning a rally (Monday) August 17.

At that time, CUPW President Mike Palecek will be in Nelson to lead the charge.

This post was syndicated from https://thenelsondaily.com
Categories: General
