
Police boat makes first summer patrol of Arrow Lake Saturday

Kyra Hoggan
By Kyra Hoggan
July 22nd, 2015

Did you know that it’s a Criminal Code violation to pull a waterskier without a spotter in the boat? Or that driving a boat drunk will get you the same penalties as driving your car drunk?

The Kootenay Boundary Regional RCMP detachment is out on our waterways this summer – many boaters saw the police in their rigid-hull inflatable Kodiak on Arrow Lake last Saturday, July 18, in the first of what will be many sporadic patrols throughout the summer season.

Castlegar CMP Cpl. Dave Johnson was in said boat, and said they stopped 25 watercraft during a patrol between about 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

“It’s more of an information patrol right now – we issued quite a few warnings,” he said, adding they are looking for operator’s permits, boat registration, and safety gear such as proper life jackets. “Of the 25, only one vessel had everything they are required to have on board.

“Only one had to be ordered to shore, though, because there weren’t enough life jackets for all the passengers,” he added.

He said it’s legal to drink on a boat, as long as the operator is not impaired – and as long as you don’t tie up to another boat.

“Sometimes people do that, connect their boat with someone else’s and just float, so they can visit,” Johnson said. “But when you do that, it’s considered a public place, and you’re not allowed to drink in public places.”

He said the salient information, though, is that police will be checking, and boating enthusiasts should ensure they have the proper documentation and safety gear on board.

“The Kootenay Boundary Regional Detachment is trying to increase our presence on the water – boating safety is important.”

This post was syndicated from https://castlegarsource.com
Categories: CrimeGeneral
