
Fatal motorcycle accident between New Denver and Kaslo

Castlegar Source
By Castlegar Source
August 16th, 2016

A 41-year-old Cranbrook man has died after a motorcycle accident Sunday, according to RCMP Inspector Tom Roy.

“On Aug. 14, (the motorcyclist) was travelling westbound on Hwy 31A between New Denver and Kaslo,” Roy said. “He was the lone occupant of the 2007 Yamaha, but was travelling with a friend, who was also driving a motorcycle.

“He approached a corner on the road, and crossed the centre line into oncoming traffic. A couple travelling eastbound in their SUV were struck by the motorcycle as it crossed the centre line.

“The man was transported to Kootenay Lake Hospital in Nelson, where he succumbed to his injuries.”

No one else was injured in the crash.

The BC Coroners Office and West Kootenay Traffic Services continue to investigate.

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