
Snowmobiler rescued from backcountry

Kyra Hoggan
By Kyra Hoggan
December 22nd, 2017

The region can finally enjoy a happy ending to an emergency-services news story after a snowmobiler was rescued near Good Creek this afternoon, according to RCMP Cpl. Brett Turner.

Turner said police were notified at roughly 7 p.m. Thusday evening that a man had gotten his snowmobile stuck on a steep hill.

“The snow was too deep for him to make it out,” Turner said. “Luckily, he was with a partner who was able to turn around to go for help.”

By the time the partner was able to notify authorities, it was too dark, and the terrain too treacherous for Search and Rescue crews to be deployed, so the man ended up having to spend the night in the mountains.

Today, a SAR helicopter was dispatched from Revelstoke to rescue the man and his machine.

“We can’t stress enough the importance of being prepared when heading into the back country,” Turner said. “The fact that he wasn’t alone, was dressed properly for conditions, and had food and an emergency kit with him very likely saved his life.”

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