

BC Wildlife Service places area restriction order for Sitkum Creek wildfire

While the Sitkum Creek Wildfire continues to grow — now estimated at 450 hectares — the BC Wildlife Service is placing a public access restriction for areas around the interface fire that takes place immediately. The bans will remain in force until the public is otherwise notified for the wildfire that is now 20 percent...

This little piggy went ... nowhere. Lamonts' pet pigs to call Castlegar home

The pigs have won the day! At a special meeting this afternoon (July 9), council voted unanimously to reconsider the motion of July 6 regarding the Lamonts’ pot-bellied pigs (for full story, click here). “In today’s meeting, council confirmed their intent not to amend the Animal Control bylaw, but to allow the Lamonts to keep...

Fire/downed power line on Columbia, Samaritans step up in a huge way

What could have been a dangerous fire was dealt with by three quick-thinking Samaritans this afternoon, when a power line went down on Columbia Avenue at about 2 p.m., according to fire chief Gerry Rempel. “We were standing outside the fire hall and watched the line go down,” he said, adding he quickly headed over to where ...

Robusters Rise to the Challenge

Your local dragon boat team, the Kootenay Robusters, recently took part in the ATB Financial Lethbridge Rotary Dragon Boat Festival, held at Henderson Lake in Lethbridge from June 26-28, 2015.  Travelling from Grand Forks, Christina Lake, Castlegar, Trail and Rossland, the team arrived Friday evening in time for a final practice.   The festival organizers had […]

SMILE, Castlegar, you're on BC Assessment's camera!

Digital cameras mounted inside a clearly-marked van will soon be on the residential streets of Castlegar as BC Assessment continues to use innovation to update photos used for property assessment purposes. The residential photo update initiative will take street front digital photos of approximately 2,755 single family homes...

Residents told Sitkum Creek wildfire 20 percent contained

More than 200 people gathered Wednesday evening at école de Sentiers-alpins (formerly A. I. Collinson School) to attend a public address on the Duhamel-Sitkum Creek wildfire burning on Nelson's North Shore. Incident Commander Glen Burgess, whose team arrived on the scene Tuesday morning once the fire had outgrown the capacity...

Selkirk College Community Education Always Available for a Lifelong Learning Spark

The bustle in the Selkirk College hallways and classrooms slows during summer, but the excitement of educational opportunities never takes a break thanks to Community Education & Workplace Training (CEWT). Each year across the West Kootenay-Boundary region, Selkirk College offers hundreds of classes through its CEWT...

River Talks — The Non-Treaty Storage Agreement

Eileen Delehanty Pearkes has been researching and writing about the history and politics of water in the upper Columbia Basin since 2005.  Her book on the Columbia River Treaty, A River Captured, is expected to be released 08/11/2016.  Recently, her travelling exhibit on the Columbia River Treaty, curated for Touchstones Nelson, won a national award […]

Community Gardens survive internal drought - thanks in large part to city council

Thanks to a successful AGM and a decision from council Monday night to offer some financial support, Castlegar’s Community Garden is now blossoming and ready to run riot into the coming seasons despite almost withering into obscurity just months ago. “Last year we were running with a skeleton crew, just enough to keep the...

OUT OF LEFT FIELD: Council owes family money and apology

I think Castlegar Mayor and Council owe a local family both money and an apology – not because of a decision made at last Monday’s meeting, but because of the way it was handled, which I feel was heartless. To be clear, I’m a big fan of the sitting council, who seem to me to have a ton of heart. They volunteer relentlessly,...