

The significant role of forests in regulating global climate

By David A Gabel, ENN A new study published in the journal, Science, has quantified the forests’ role in regulating carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in the atmosphere. Because plants absorb CO2 as part of their metabolism, the greater the forest, the more CO2 is removed, and the impact of global climate change is decreased. The […]

New study rings louder death knell for tuna

Three Simon Fraser University biologists, including two co-authors of a new study, say that the study’s findings on the fate of tuna globally intensify a conundrum in managing this dwindling species. Do regional fisheries management organizations (RFMOs) risk making multi-million dollar fisheries go bankrupt by putting a moratorium on them? Or do they continue to […]

Public meeting on LG issue still a go

 Community demand remains high for a public meeting regarding the LG (Little Girl) culture among some local youth, brought to public attention by a how-to manual penned by two local men called Deflowered in Seconds, which described in minute detail how to sexually abuse little girls (see http://castlegarsource.com/news/general/youth-worker-says-facebook-abuse-manual-just-tip-terrifying-castlegar-iceberg-11649) City councilor Deb McIntosh said she’s getting […]

Protecting Christina Lake's water and beauty key goals of proposed new regulations

Landowners at Christina Lake concerned with the protection of the area’s greatest asset – the lake itself – are encouraging the implementation of proposed riparian area guidelines for development.   “Rather than simply sitting back and waiting for the riparian area regulations (RAR) to be forced upon us, we took the initiative to tailor some […]

How hot was it long ago?

By Andy Soos, ENN The question seems simple enough: What happens to the Earth’s temperature when atmospheric carbon dioxide levels increase? It has happened in the past. The answer is elusive. However, clues are hidden in the fossil record. A new study by researchers from Syracuse and Yale universities provides a much clearer picture of […]

China's consumer prices rise to a three-year high in June as food prices soar 14.4 percent

People across China continue [zh] to announce their candidacy in local district level People’s Congress elections, but how far this new surge in civic consciousness can go remains uncertain.   The case of Liu Ping in Jiangxi province has drawn greater attention recently after Liu and fellow candidates Li Sihua and Wei Zhongping were prevented, […]

Power generation from renewables surpasses nuclear

By Thomas Schueneman, Global Warming is Real The latest issue of the Monthly Energy Review published by the US Energy Information Administration, electric power generation from renewable sources has surpassed production from nuclear sources, and is now “closing in on oil,” says Ken Bossong, executive director of the Sun Day Campaign. In the first quarter […]

Canadian supermarkets driving change on seafood sustainability: Greenpeace

A new Greenpeace ranking report shows all eight of Canada’s major supermarket chains are making progress on implementing sustainability policies that will help reduce the burden on some of the most commercially popular – but unsustainably harvested – seafood species.   The third annual report on seafood sustainability, “Emerging from the deep: Ranking supermarkets on […]

Can the NDP Help restore Canada’s reputation?

Why is it that our collective social intelligence on so many critical matters falls dramatically short of our individual citizen intelligence? It is amazing that our society can function as well as it does, given that we are in a state of continuous denial about so many things we do as a society. It feels […]

Spike in sudden infant deaths spurs safety reminders

There have been more sudden infant deaths in British Columbia in the first half of 2011 than for all of 2010. Sudden infant deaths occur when a previously healthy baby dies in sleep-related circumstances, and no cause of death is found on autopsy. The BC Coroners Service is urging parents to educate themselves on safe […]

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