

BC Government wants your opinion on ICBC rates

First, a bit of background.  ICBC is in dire financial straits. Back in 2016, ICBC applied to the BC Utilities Commission for permission to raise its rates by 4.9%.  This publication posted an article by Dermod Travis of Integrity BC on ICBC’s request. Travis unpicked the rationale for the proposed increase in rates, delved...

CBT program helps employers hire post-secondary grads

Now more than ever businesses and organizations need qualified employees and post-secondary graduates need a kick start to their careers. Enter the new Career Internship Program from Columbia Basin Trust. This program is now accepting applications on a first-come, first-served basis. “This program supports our strategic...

Editorial: On how we vote in BC -- will it change, or not?

Come the next BC election, will we have Proportional Representation (of some kind) or business-as-usual with First-Past-the-Post? A lot of ink and pixels have been swirling around the news and opinion media on the topic. It still bears more examination, given the disparate views expressed. Let’s do some examining, and...

CBT speaks to concerns over Castlegar's representation on board

Recent changes to the board of the Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) have prompted some questions as to why it has been so long since a Castlegar resident sat as a director, despite the significant impact the dams have had on this community (see story about board changes by clicking here ). There have been, since the CBT’s inception...

Residents asked to weigh in on local economic development

A new economic development initiative has Castlegar and area residents completing an online survey outlining their priorities and needs in terms of retail and service businesses in our area. Mark Laver was hired on as Economic Development Manager two months ago in a joint venture between the City of Castlegar, CBT and RDCK ...

Column: 'From the Hill' -- BC's natural resources

In mid-January I attended the British Columbia Natural Resources Forum in Prince George.  This is one of the biggest gatherings of resource companies, government leaders and nongovernment organizations in Canada, and is always a good place to hear the latest news from that sector. I was happy to see federal Natural Resources...

Local investment: putting our money where we live

In today’s interconnected world, it is easy to see how your hard-earned money can end up going towards projects and businesses all around the world. In 2013, British Columbians contributed $4.5 Billion of new monies into their RRSPs, much of that money disbursed outside the Province and Canada. Imagine what an impact ...

Opinion: BC Hydro asking for a loan? Overheard by a fly on the wall

Loans Officer (LO):  So you'd like to borrow $10.7 billion? BC Hydro (BCH):  Yes sir. It's for a hydro-electric dam. LO:   Well that's a lot of green for green energy. How exactly did you arrive at that cost? BCH:  Happy to report we went to the same team that came up with the $1.5 billion estimate for the Port Mann bridge....

10 Questions with BC Green Party Leader Andrew Weaver

By Carol Linnet of DeSmog Canada B.C. Green Party leader Andrew Weaver went from being B.C.’s solitary Green MLA in 2013 to holding the balance of power in the province’s current minority government. While the transition has had its ups and downs for the climate scientist, public scrutiny of Weaver’s position and what he ought...

Assessed property values: a few dramatic changes

Assessed property value changes from 2017 to 2018 Revelstoke residents will see an average increase in property values of just over 21% -- the largest increase in the Kootenay-Columbia region.  The next largest increase in average assessed values is 17.2%, in Fruitvale.  Midway takes third place, with an average increase of...

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