

In 2009 BC Liberals proportionately outspent 2008 Obama campaign

Barack Obama has nothing on the BC Liberals when it comes to campaign spending, according to an estimate released today by IntegrityBC.  Relying on US Federal Election Commission (FEC) figures, IntegrityBC estimates that the 2008 Obama campaign cost $5.10 per registered voter compared to the $5.54 per voter spent by the BC ...

BC MP Nathan Cullen brings leadership campaign to West Kootenays

Nathan Cullen is visiting the West Kootenays and Grand Forks November 13, 14 and 15, as part of his campaign to lead the federal NDP. Cullen, a four-term MP from the northern BC riding of Skeena-Bulkley Valley, is on a prolonged tour of his home province."One of the things I like most about British Columbia is it's so far...

Why Iceland should be in the news, but is not

By Deena Stryker in SACSIS.An Italian radio program's story about Iceland’s on-going revolution is a stunning example of how little our media tells us about the rest of the world. Americans may remember that at the start of the 2008 financial crisis, Iceland literally went bankrupt.  The reasons were mentioned only in passing,...

Conservatives REALLY Frighten BC Liberals!

The most interesting thing about those latest radio ads by the BC Liberals is the fact they were done at all … now … more than 18 months (supposedly) before the next provincial election.  And there’s an entire website set up just to attack BC Conservative leader John Cummins!  Congratulations, John! You’ve now officially made...

ATAMANENKO: Vote subsidy hypocrisy

Stephen Harper is planning to do away with the per-vote subsidy to political parties. Brought in under the Chretien Liberals, this is the subsidy that, along with putting stricter limits on union and corporate donations, was meant to reduce political influence over Canadian elections.  Under current laws it is no longer...

Christy Clark stages a coup

BC is in deep trouble: we now have a government that has no moral, no public and no legal legitimacy to govern. Christy Clark’s government was never elected by the people of this province, on the basis of any endorsed platform, program, promises or outlined plans for governing. And she herself--before taking the premier’s...

COMMENT: Art is greater than filth

Ali Farzat, the Arab world’s greatest cartoonist – in fact one of the very best and bravest creative voices in the Arab world – was bundled into a van by Syrian regime filth last night. Some hours later he was found bleeding at the side of the airport road. First reports suggest that his hands have been broken.I’ve often used...

ATAMANENKO: Genetically Engineered Salmon, not worth the risk to health or the environment

Aquabounty Technologies (AT), headquartered in the US, has genetically modified (GM) a faster growing Atlantic salmon by inserting a growth hormone gene from Chinook salmon and genetic material from the eel-like ocean pout. The company’s business plan is to produce genetically modified salmon eggs in Prince Edward Island...

Strategic voting is more important than ever

Analysts and activists across the country are still trying to get a serious grip on the stunning rise in the polls of Jack Layton’s NDP – almost pinching themselves in the aftermath of fear and the loathing that characterized the first weeks of the election. How is it possible that Harper could stay in striking distance of ...

QUNFUZ: Some shock, no awe

 picture by Ali FarzatBy last Friday, if it hadn’t already done so, the Syrian regime effectively declared war on its own people, killing at least a hundred protestors. Throughout this week parts of Syria have fallen under outright siege.The tanks and infantry which haven’t peeped across the occupied Golan since 1973 entered...