

Twenty-one people charged with various drug trafficking offences in the West Kootenay/Boundary

By Timothy Schafer, The Nelson DailyA “resource-intensive” investigation by the RCMP in the West Kootenay/Boundary region in the last four months has resulted in 21 people being charged with 43 drug trafficking offences. Members of the Kootenay Boundary Regional Detachment plain clothes General Investigation Section embarked...

Jumbo updated contact information

Due to a cabinet shuffle on Monday, there are new contact people for the pending Jumbo Wild decision, advises a member of the West Kootenay EcoSociety.Coordinator David Reid said in wake of a pending decision on creating a “resort municipality” in the Jumbo Glacier Valley — to allow a 6,500-bed resort town — and the cabinet...

Rural development institute established by CBT and Selkirk College

By Timothy Schafer, The Nelson Daily Information is a great tool in the kit of any municipality, allowing it to forge policy, planning and decision-making. However, it is in short supply for resource-starved rural governments in the West Kootenay. That will change after the announcement Saturday afternoon of an eight-year...

Nelson and area set to win in Waneta expansion

By Timothy Schafer, The Nelson Daily Nelson is guaranteed a share in the over 400 new jobs created in the Waneta Dam expansion on the Pend d’Oreille River, says the Columbia Basin Trust’s vice president of investments.Johnny Strilaeff said a prescription is in place to ensure that 85 per cent of the new jobs will come from ...

Local communities receive gaming grants

The provincial government has announced the recipients of this year’s provincial gaming grants and the Rossland is getting a small slice of the pie. 7000 organizations across the province will receive grants from the $120 million fund designed to foster talent and support events that celebrate local traditions and customs, ...

IHA introduces new emergency reponse teams to the region

 Interior Health (IH) is pleased to announce the launch of High Acuity Response Teams (HARTs) this fall that will enhance transport and care needs of acutely ill patients throughout the health region. These teams will consist of highly-trained critical care nurses responding with a BC Ambulance Service (BCAS) basic life support...

Cattle vs. conservationists: the battle for the Gilpin

In a conflict that dates back to the 1970’s, the battle over the Gilpin Grasslands near Grand Forks between cattlemen and conservationists is still unresolved. Grand Forks City Council has found themselves the go to point for both sides of the controversy to try and garner government support for their cause. This round had ...

Grand Forks man missing in Kettle River

What started as a pleasant day of canoeing in the Kettle River has ended in tragedy for two men from Grand Forks. On Saturday, June 12 the two men launched their canoe south of Beaverdell into the river. Later a passing motorist was flagged down by one of the men saying that this friend was missing in the river. The one man...

OP/ED: Heroes and villians in the face of an environmental disaster

The oil spill that now jeopardizes the entire ecosystem of the Gulf of Mexico, and potentially beyond, is a chilling reminder that all is not well with our planet. And what’s actually worse: the amount of oil gushing from the seemingly impossible-to-stop deep-sea oil well or the complacent attitude taken toward the spill by...

Trail needs a Champion!

The embryonic Trail Champion, which you are holding in your virtual hands at this very moment, is about to come fully to life. However, before this can happen, Trail's first online newspaper needs an editor/owner to take the helm--someone with a passionate commitment to the life of their community, its politics, and its...