

Going Green on Highway 3 gets boost with five new Fast Charging Stations

People in the Boundary region are now connected with the West Kootenay after the opening of five electric vehicle Direct Current Fast Charging (DCFCs) stations along Highway 3. The stations have been strategically sited in Greenwood, Christina Lake, Castlegar, Salmo and Creston to ensure connected travel and charging options...

Kootenay Gallery exhibits use art to address climate change

What do art and science have in common? For many scientists and academics such as Timothy Morton, they are looking to the art world to help communicate the reality of the threat of climate change. While scientific data appeals to the brain, art appeals to emotions. As a group, society hasn’t generally been motivated by facts...

Interior Health CEO to retire this fall

Interior Health’s Board Chair Doug Cochrane announced today that president and CEO Chris Mazurkewich has provided the board of directors with his letter of resignation, expressing his decision to retire at the end of October. “Chris Mazurkewich has spent nearly three decades working to build a strong, sustainable health system...

RDCK votes to hold referendum on over-$32-mill upgrades to Complex

At its meeting yesterday, the Board of Directors of the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) considered two bylaws pertaining to the proposed “Option B” enhancements to the Castlegar and District Community Complex. The bylaws were prepared to establish a new recreation service to replace the two existing services and...

Survey sees majority approving almost $32.5 mill upgrade to Complex

The majority of survey respondents in Castlegar and area have voted for Complex upgrades estimated to cost $32,370,000 (Option B. For more information about facility options, visit https://myactivityhub.ca/the-project/facility-options/ ). In a press release issued today, the RDCK indicated that almost 1,200 households completed...

Column: A strange way to pick a leader

  When a political party sets rules for a leadership race and tries to be all things to all members, the result can end up looking more like the proverbial camel designed by a committee than a true and fair method for members to choose a new leader. As they did in 2011, the B.C. Liberal party opted to continue with its practice...

CBT speaks to concerns over Castlegar's representation on board

Recent changes to the board of the Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) have prompted some questions as to why it has been so long since a Castlegar resident sat as a director, despite the significant impact the dams have had on this community (see story about board changes by clicking here ). There have been, since the CBT’s inception...

Moonlight Snowshoe & Fatbike quest

What better way to enjoy our beautiful Kootenay winter than an evening of guided snowshoeing or fat biking under the moonlight with friends and family?  Get ready for a great evening out in our second annual Moonlight Snowshoe & Fatbike Quest featuring excellent food, outdoor fun, adventure and prizes - all in support of...

Residents asked to weigh in on local economic development

A new economic development initiative has Castlegar and area residents completing an online survey outlining their priorities and needs in terms of retail and service businesses in our area. Mark Laver was hired on as Economic Development Manager two months ago in a joint venture between the City of Castlegar, CBT and RDCK ...

Column: 'From the Hill' -- BC's natural resources

In mid-January I attended the British Columbia Natural Resources Forum in Prince George.  This is one of the biggest gatherings of resource companies, government leaders and nongovernment organizations in Canada, and is always a good place to hear the latest news from that sector. I was happy to see federal Natural Resources...