

Safe drinking water on tap for Robson?

Residents of Robson have been on a boil water notice since 1997, but now, finally, drinkable tap water might finally become a reality once more. “In British Columbia, all water that is consumed by the public that is surface water, (our water is surface water from Pass Creek) by law has to be treated,” said Anne White, trustee...

Nelson students join picket lines in support of better education

Nelson and District Teachers picketing during the second round of BC Teachers’ Federation rotating strike schedule Thursday received support from an unlikely source when approximately 40 students joined the lines. “We did some research and decided that teachers wanting smaller class sizes and the highest level of education ...

Selkirk College Rural Pre-Medicine Program Student Takes on Challenge in South Africa

Jesse McDonald is preparing for her medical school journey by spending an intense summer on a research project aimed at making life better for some of the most vulnerable youth in South Africa. Earlier this year the Nelson resident was accepted into Selkirk College’s Rural Pre-Medicine Program and will be part of the new...

KETTLE RIVER Q&A: The twisted tale of a MAD trout

Adapted from a presentation to classes at West Boundary Elementary, May 2014. Today I want to tell you the story of Maddy the trout. This is a true story, kind of. One that requires a bit of imagination, and no fear of statistics of a very basic kind. Maddy is a rainbow trout (formally Oncorhynchus mykiss for those who like...

Thate releases first EP and radio single

Many Boundary residents already know who Amanda Thate is – a 20-year-old local singer known for her vocals. But in the next few months, her name is going to become more familiar in the industry and on radio stations as Thate continues to advance her career. The first big news for Thate is that she is launching her debut album...

Outpouring of community support rallies around Levy family

The logger who was killed in a tragic accident near Beasley on Monday always “went the extra mile to help a friend,” said a close family friend. “Kyle Levy had a heart of gold.” Levy, 35, was killed Monday in a fatal logging accident west of Nelson, BC while working as a choker for AF Timber. The accident occurred at 8 a.m.,...

'Good Samaritan" clarifies dog attack; calls for city action

The Good Samaritan credited with saving a young girl and her puppy after a dog attack in Millennium Park on May 19 is clarifying his perception of the incident and calling for a policy shift to better protect park/playground users. Chris Talbot, 42, said the attacking dog was an unneutered, Pitbull-type dog (one of the biggest...

Op/Ed: Thoughts from a teacher's kid

Tap tap tappity tap tap. One of the strongest memories I have from my childhood is my dad tapping away at the computer. It’s not my earliest memory, but it happened nightly, so it was burned into my head. It was a comforting sound. My room was across the hall from his office and he would be working steadily into the night, ...

Love and War, and the Soul

When I sing about love and war I don’t really know what I’m sayin’ I’ve been in love and I’ve seen a lot of war I’ve seen a lot of people prayin’ --- and mostly they pray about love and war. Neil Young, “Love and War”   “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.                  Jesus,...

Pitbull attack at Millennium raises issue of controversial bylaw

A Good Samaritan saved a 13-year-old girl and her dog from a Pitbull attack in Millennium Park May 19, according to RCMP Cpl. Debbie Postnikoff. “We got a call at 2:33 p.m. that a Pitbull was attacking another dog in Millennium Park,” Postnikoff said. “The Pitbull was on a leash, but broke free and attacked a Black Lab. “I ...

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