
Renewable natural gas program launched for Kootenay region

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
June 23rd, 2011

Kootenay folk will now be able to give a green boost to the environment, and receive a carbon tax credit to boot.

FortisBC announced it has launched its renewable natural gas product offering for residential customers in the Kootenays. Eligible customers now have the option of designating 10 per cent of their household’s natural gas usage as renewable natural gas.

FortisBC will then inject an equivalent amount of renewable natural gas into its distribution system from local renewable natural gas projects.

Customers will be subscribed on a first-come, first-served basis, for about an additional $4 per month, based on an average annual consumption of 95 gigajoules (GJs).

The only portion of the bill that would change for customers who subscribe to renewable natural gas is the cost of gas. Their cost of gas will now be made up of 10 per cent of the renewable natural gas cost and 90 per cent of the standard cost of gas.

Subscribers will not be locked into a contract and can opt-out at any time at no cost.

Getting a carbon tax credit

As renewable natural gas is also considered carbon neutral in B.C., subscribers’ carbon tax will be credited by 10 per cent.

FortisBC’s renewable natural gas offering was recently granted Carbon Neutral Product status by Offsetters in B.C., Canada’s leading carbon management solutions provider, after assessing the expected lifecycle emissions savings of the program.

The benefit of renewable natural gas

Renewable natural gas is created by capturing biogas from sources such as landfills and agricultural waste, and then upgrading it to pipeline-quality gas, before being added to FortisBC’s distribution system.

Renewable natural gas is also interchangeable with conventional natural gas, so FortisBC can use its existing pipelines and changes are not required to customers’ appliances.

FortisBC estimates that the total greenhouse gas savings in the program’s first year will be about 5,000 tonnes, equal to removing almost 1,000 cars off the road each year or keeping 3.8 million pounds of waste out of landfills, based on delivering 100,000 GJ of renewable natural gas to the FortisBC distribution system.

Looking ahead

As additional supply becomes available later this year, FortisBC expects to be able to expand the offering to more residential customers.

The company also hopes to be in a position to make the product offering available to commercial customers in 2012 throughout the Kootenays.

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