
Warning: Cougar spotted near Millennium Walkway

Kyra Hoggan
By Kyra Hoggan
June 27th, 2011

Several recent cougar sightings within city limits have police warning the public and the City posting on Facebook, asking people to be aware and describing what to do should they spot this dangerous animal.

  The press release reads:   “There have been several calls regarding cougar sightings at the Millenium Walkway, and Twin Rivers area.  Unfortunately, however, these calls have been made quite a while after-the-fact.   “Conservation was contacted regarding this issue, and they ask that if someone spots this cougar to call their office as soon as possible, for the following reasons:  – cougar scent does not last long
– they have to call out cougar hounds to track a cougar, and this takes a bit of time.
– dogs are not able to differentiate between a cougar scent and a regular cat, so the faster they can get the dogs out there to determine the cougar scent and track it, the better.   “It is important to note the exact time and location of the cougar sighting, so that Conservation has a starting point and knowledge of the time delay they are dealing with. And again, call RIGHT AWAY.   “The public is urged to be cautious when walking in these areas, and to be very aware of their surroundings. Also, keep your pets on a leash, and monitor especially smaller pets. Of course, it is recommended that you keep your cats in the house, as there are also coyotes that target them.   “If you see a cougar and do not have this toll free number handy, please call your local RCMP detachment and they will call the Conservation for you, keeping in mind that we must have an exact location and time of sighting in order for this to be of use to Conservation.  “The toll free number is:   1-877-952-7277.”

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