
Guilt-free chow-down ... for a cause

Kyra Hoggan
By Kyra Hoggan
July 15th, 2011

 Mark your calendars and work up an appetite in preparation for the second annual “Need to Feed” spaghetti dinner and ice cream social, a fundraiser for Castlegar’s Community Harvest Food Bank.

The event, slated for July 30 from 5 to 10 p.m. outside the Station Museum downtown, drew hundreds last year and is expected to be better still in 2011, according to food bank manager Deb McIntosh.

  “Last year, the food bank was in serious jeopardy – we had enough left for maybe a couple of months, and that was it,” she said. A massive campaign, including the spaghetti feed, rescued the food bank with close to $30,000 – money they’re still drawing on today. “It was so successful that we’re still working with that money,” she said, adding the goal this year is to meet or exceed last year’s achievement.   “The demand has increased, and we’ve expanded our services to include a drop-in centre with hot meals and outreach,” McIntosh explained. “We also have a fund for miscellaneous stuff – like work boots and gas for someone who’s really trying to turn things around, but needs a hand up. Sometimes it’s just a couple of bucks standing in the way of someone’s success – why would we NOT help with that?   “We’ve helped with medications, car seats – stuff the system doesn’t provide for, but that’s really important.   The Spaghetti Feed is more than just a way to draw donations, though – McIntosh said it’s a hugely fun community-building exercise, as well.   “It’s a lot of fun to get everyone together and blow off a little steam and be silly,” she said, adding this year’s event will see a spaghetti-eating contest, live entertainment and more. “It builds community and capacity, both” she said. “And people are so generous – I think they understand that we really do make a difference. The goal is to build a healthy community, and together we can do that.”   Lori Orser, an organizer with the event, said Kim’s Creations will be providing scrumptious spaghetti for just $5 a plate, and the ice cream social will feature tons of yummy toppings so you can design your own dessert for only $2.   Local band T&T will serenade supper, and there’ll be sidewalk chalk and bubbles and such to amuse the little ones , so they can burn off some of the ice-cream-induced sugar high. “I’m hoping to get some prizes together for things like the biggest food donation,” she said, asking the Castlegar business community to kick in – just give hera shout at 250-365-3331 if you can help with the prizes.   Mountain FM will be live on location, and so will The Source … hope to see you there!



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