
L.A. Times staff writer Chris Reynolds paints a pretty picture of Heritage City with feature story in California newspaper

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
October 17th, 2011

Nelson has gone international once again.

Los Angeles Times staff writer Chris Reynolds made a stop in the Heritage city recently to give a Coles Notes version to Californians of life north of the 49th parallel

Reynolds made the holiday trek from Los Angeles with his family to drink a little hemp ale, sample some hemp cookies and enjoy what Nelsonites have known for years.

“With a circulation serving 900,000, being part of a publication in no other way can be a positive thing for Nelson,” Nelson Chamber of Commerce executive director Tom Thomsen told The Nelson Daily Monday.

In his story Reynolds focuses on Nelson’s history, the controversial war resister statue and laid-back lifestyle that attracts to many people to the Heritage City.

Thomsen said for the most part the story paints a pretty picture of the arts and culture of Nelson and the region being a four-season playground.

“We’re always happy to get the opportunity to get into the U.S. market,” Thomsen explained. “Our U.S. numbers for the past two or three years have been lower than in the past.”

The Nelson Daily readers can view the LA Times story at http://www.latimes.com/travel/la-tr-nelson-20111016,0,5739322.story

Categories: BusinessGeneral
