
Story reports RDCK spent too much on HB mine site lands

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
August 4th, 2012

The CBC is reporting the Regional District of Central Kootenay paid $600,000 more for the HB Mine site near Salmo than the previous owners.

Documents obtained by CBC show in the summer of 1997 a company from Panama called Seattle Corporation purchased the land for $149,000 and sold it to the RDCK a few months later for $800,000.

In July the RDCK sunk a pile of money into the mine site after the dam was compromised due to the heavy rains experienced in the region that raised water levels higher than normal.

If the dam failed, heavy metals in the water could have flowed down the creek.

The CBC story estimates the cost of reparing the the sink hole that was compromising the dam is in the neighbourhood of $500,000.

The HB mine site surrounds the RDCK’s landfill.


Categories: Politics
