
Castlegar resident makes headlines in Mexico for hockey demo

Castlegar Source
By Castlegar Source
February 21st, 2013

Castlegar resident Dean Carter, a retired letter carrier, got his 15 minutes of fame after participating in a rare hockey demonstration in Mexico that drew the attention of the Guadalajara Reporter last week.

The demo ran on Feb. 8 in Chapala. The story ran Feb. 15 (http://www.theguadalajarareporter.com/index.php/news/news/lake-chapala/41565-seasoned-canucks-meet-young-buck-mexicans-on-the-ice ) and quoted Carter, a winter resident of Ajijic, as saying it was his first time on skates in more than a decade.

‘“I threw my skates into the car before heading south a few years back,” recalls the British Columbia native who has a life time of skating experience under his belt,’ The Reporter said.

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