
RDCK keeps handle on any major budget increases

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
March 21st, 2013

The Regional District of Central Kootenay is keeping a lid on a major increases in 2013, announcing the budget for the upcoming year will be just over one percent.

The projected budget, increasing to $58,686,050 from $58,022,994 — 1.14% increase, will adopt its 2013—2017 Financial Plan on March 28.

“This plan is the result of the Board’s ongoing commitment to serve residents in the most cost-effective means possible while delivering a multitude of services throughout a large and diverse region,” said Chair Kettle in a written release.

“We are a complex organization with growing demands to deliver more services and this poses a challenge as we prepare our budget.”

Kettle said some of the budget increases are the result of a corporate review which was conducted in 2012.

The Board commissioned the review to critically examined governance and service delivery in the RDCK.

Kettle said the consultant made numerous recommendations to improve overall effectiveness of the organization.

Recommendations included the addition of staff to address growth and demand for services such as parks, bylaw enforcement and planning while at the same time meeting statutory requirements and organizational demands (human resources and finance).

Some organizational restructuring has been undertaken to help offset the financial impacts of staffing increases.

“I am proud of my fellow directors and our staff for their hard work and commitment to the budget process and for serving the public with such dedication,” said Chair Kettle.

“Thank you to those residents who participated in budget meetings—we greatly value and appreciate your input.”

The RDCK will provide more information about the foregoing after the Financial Plan is adopted on March 28th, 2013.

Categories: Business
