
Be cool and save energy this summer

By Contributor
July 10th, 2013

With hot and sunny days ahead this summer, FortisBC PowerSense is reminding customers to be aware of the energy they use to keep their homes cool, especially during peak electricity usage hours of 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. when people come home from work or other daytime activities.

“By taking simple steps to save energy, customers can reduce the load on their air conditioners or heat pumps, which can help their appliances last longer and help them avoid extra costs on their electricity bills,” said Tom Loski, vice-president of customer service at FortisBC.

Air conditioning can be one of the biggest energy users in the house in the summer months. Here are some energy-saving tips to keep cool while conserving power:

–Set the air conditioner to come on a few degrees higher, such as 25 degrees, and even higher when you’re not at home.

–Use fans where possible and only cool the rooms you’re using.

–Keep blinds and curtains closed to keep the sun out.

–Keep your air conditioner or heat pump well-maintained and change the air filter regularly.

–Avoid using heat-producing appliances, like your oven, clothes dryer and dishwasher during the hottest times of the day. Use cold water to wash your clothes whenever possible.

If you’re curious about how your air conditioner may be affecting your electricity bill, use our energy calculator at fortisbc.com/energycalculator.

FortisBC is committed to helping customers conserve energy and get the most out of their energy dollar by providing both financial incentives and advice on energy efficient technologies and practices for natural gas and electricity. Since its inception in 1989, FortisBC’s PowerSense program has helped Southern Interior electricity customers save more than 445 gigawatt hours, enough electricity to power 35,000 homes each year.

This post was syndicated from https://rosslandtelegraph.com
Categories: General
