
Take Pride in the Best Years of Your Life

Bob Hall
By Bob Hall
April 16th, 2014

Like it or not, we are all aging. And as we get older, many women experience limitations and self-doubt. But what if age didn’t define you? What if now is the time you are meant to express the amazing woman you have spent decades becoming?

Peggy Ness is a professionally trained life coach who will be presenting an interactive four-session class at Selkirk College. “The Art of Aging Vibrantly” runs from May 7 to 28 on Wednesdays from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Nelson’s Silver King Campus.

Using a simple step-by step process, Ness will teach you to clear limiting aging attitudes, open yourself to new possibilities, and create your own blueprint so that your next chapter can be filled with purpose, enthusiasm, and fulfillment.

With a background of 30 years in counseling and group facilitation, Ness’s passion has always been to support people to live to their potential.

“After my mother and aunt developed dementia, I was inspired to live my life to the fullest and am dedicated to helping other women to do the same,” says Ness.

Known for her warmth and authenticity, Ness’s innovative style presents a unique blend of energy medicine techniques along with a vast range of skills and strategies.

The course costs $79 (plus GST) and requires pre-registration by calling 250.354.3220 or contacting Selkirk College at nelsonce@selkirk.ca.

To learn more about the four-week class you can contact Ness at 250.428.0038 or via email at peggy@peggyness.com.

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Categories: General
