
Police update on two recent area deaths

Kyra Hoggan
By Kyra Hoggan
August 8th, 2014

Police continue to actively investigate the deaths of two local people, one in Rossland and one in Ross Spur, according to Trail RCMP Sgt. Darren Oelke.

Rossland resident Thomas Feeney, 75, was discovered murdered in his home on June 5 of this year, and Oelke says the investigation is still very much ongoing.

“There’s a major crime team from Kelowna in the area, following up the many tips we’ve received from the public,” Olke said, adding, “It’s a very active investigation and will be until it’s solved.” (For the original story, click here).

Meanwhile, while police said they aren’t prepared to attribute foul play to the June-20th death of a 17-year-old Ross Spur girl (who was originally from Nelson), Oelke said the Kootenay Boundary Regional GIS (General Investigation Section), headed by RCMP Sgt. Mike Wicentowich, continues to investigate the cause of this tragic, untimely death.

He also cautioned against posting – or believing other posts –  regarding the subject on social media sites.

“There’s no basis for a lot of the conjecture being posted on Facebook,” he said, reminding residents that inaccurate postings can cause needless suffering for an already grieving family. “(Police) continue to investigate this file.” (For the original story, click here).

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Categories: CrimeGeneral
