
Sewer crossing deal reached

By Contributor
October 9th, 2014

The Regional District of Kootenay Boundary is very pleased to announce that a negotiated agreement has been reached in the matter of a required Columbia River sewer crossing.

The Regional District, on behalf of the participants in the East End Regional Sewer Service, has agreed to contribute $4.2 million to the construction of a pedestrian/pipe bridge in a partnership with the City of Trail.

The participants in the service, the City of Rossland, Village of Warfield and the City of Trail, have dedicated a great deal of time looking at all options to find the best technical and financial option that met the needs of the service.

“We must acknowledge and appreciate the efforts of the elected officials in Rossland, Warfield and Trail,” said RDKB Board Chair Grace McGregor. “Special mention must be made of the efforts of the members of the East End Sewer Committee, Directors Granstrom (Rossland), Crockett (Warfield) and Cacchioni (Trail). The commitment to discussion and negotiation as well serving their community’s needs has made this new partnership possible.”

“We are very pleased that the three communities could resolve the matter and work cooperatively as the final outcome will benefit the entire region,” says Councillor Robert Cacchioni and City of Trail’s RDKB Director.

“This has been a lengthy process, in the end through co-operation and understanding of each other’s situation we have reached a milestone agreement. Rossland looks forward to a renewed spirit of co-operation with our neighbours” said Rossland Mayor Granstrom.

In the coming weeks the Regional District will be taking the necessary steps to move forward on this project in a timely and efficient manner. This will include development of the required bylaws and consultation with the local Councils.

This article is a press release from the RKDB.

This post was syndicated from https://rosslandtelegraph.com
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