
Hugh Keenleyside improvement project continues

By Contributor
February 5th, 2015

BC Hydro has offered an update on the Hugh L. Keenleyside Spillway Gates Reliability Upgrade Project as work on the project continues to ensure the long-term reliability of the spillway gates.

Project overview

The Hugh L. Keenleyside Dam project will complete a combination of replacement, refurbishment, and addition of new equipment on the spillway and low-level outlet gates. The scope of work includes upgrading the mechanical components, electrical power systems and the protection and control systems at the facility.

All of these upgrades are enhancing BC Hydro’s ability to safely manage flood waters downstream of the dam, which protects both the dam and downstream communities.

Project update

This February, BC Hydro will continue to refurbish the second of four spillway operating gates. The refurbishment process takes approximately two months and entails refurbishment and replacement of the gates ancillary components. Once this work is completed, the gate is inspected and tested prior to being returned to operation.

Work on the final of eight low-level gates and the installation of a second back up diesel generator will begin in the spring of 2015.

Structural upgrades to the spillway gates towers and gate hoists continued through the fall and will be ongoing into the summer of 2015. In addition, electrical installations for all gate systems are ongoing and will also continue into the summer of 2015.

This work will ensure reliability of the spillway gates over the next 40 years at the facility.

Economic benefits for the local community

This project brings significant benefits to the local community.An estimated $115,000 per month is currently spent locally in support of the work on this project, including the purchase of local project supplies and services whenever possible, and the total community economic benefit over the course of the project is estimated at $7.6 million. This includes machining works and the fabrication of tools, office supplies, accommodations, equipment rentals, safety and environmental protection equipment and services.

Dam deck closure

Please be advised that to ensure the safety of the public, employees and contractors, access across HLK will continue to be closed to all traffic for the duration of the Spillway Gates Upgrade Project,as the dam deck runs through the project work site.  During this time, the dam deck will be unsafe for travel as covers must be removed to access the gates and gate equipment in the dam which will leave large openings in the dam deck. In addition, crews will be working on and above the dam deck, construction material will be stored on the dam deck, and heavy equipment will be in use.

Access to the Navigational Lock will remain open through the south entrance, except during Navigational Lock outages.

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