
'Ride The Bus Free' on Earth Day April 22, 2015

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
April 16th, 2015

West Kootenay Transit is doing its best to support Earth Day 2015 by offering a Free Transit for all passengers on Wednesday, April 22.

“We are hoping people will take this opportunity to give the bus a try,” said City of Nelson Garage and Transit Supervisor Jody Koehle.

“(We want the public to) see how quickly they can get to work, school or shopping, without having to worry about driving or finding a parking spot.”

Partners in West Kootenay Transit are Regional District of Central Kootenay, Regional District of Kootenay Boundary and BC Transit which encompass the boundaries of Kaslo to Rossland and all points in between.

“The West Kootenay Transit System strives to provide quality transportation to connect and strengthen our communities,” said Lawrence D. Chernoff, Chair West Kootenay Regional Transit Committee.

“I encourage everyone to come out and try our transit system on Earth Day, April 22, 2015.”

“The free rides on Earth Day will be a welcomed treat for our current customers and provides a terrific opportunity for those who are new to transit to experience our sustainable and community-minded mode of transportation,” added BC Transit President and CEO Manuel Achadinha.

The first Earth Day happened on April 22, 1970 when more than 20 million people from all walks of life and is widely credited with launching the modern environmental movement.

More than 1 Billion people now participate in Earth Day activities each year, making it the largest civic observance in the world.

In Nelson, the West Kootenay EcoSociety is planning an Earth Day Fair from 4-6 p.m. on the 400 block of Baker Street.

Nature-themed activities for kids and adults will include fish printing, animal costume making, and live music.

For more information on the West Kootenay EcoSociety, and the great things they are doing for the environment, please check out the EcoSociety.ca website

For more information regarding West Kootenay Transit’s free transit day go to the BC Transit website. For rider’s guide information, go to West Kootenay Transit link.

Transit Fast Facts:

  • One city bus can take 40 to 50 vehicles off the road, save 70,000 litres of fuel and keep 168 tonnes of pollutants out of the atmosphere each year.
  • Public transit consumes 3 times less energy per passenger-kilometre than the automobile, making it three times more efficient
  • Transit has the lowest fatality rate of any transportation mode.
  • A shift from single-occupancy vehicle use to Public Transit will reduce transportation related green house gas emissions.
  • The average single vehicle commuter can save over $2,000 in annual fuel costs by riding public transit

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