
Village of Salmo announces Diane Kalen-Sukra as new CAO

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
April 6th, 2015

There’s a new Chief Administrative Officer for the Village of Salmo.

Mayor Stephen White recently announced that Diane Kalen-Sukra has taken over the position for the Village of Salmo.

“We are pleased to have recruited such a qualified and committed individual for this vital Village position,” said Mayor Stephen White in media release.

“Council is committed to building public trust through transparency, accountability and proper processes, and our new CAO is up for the challenge.

“Diane has been with us for less than two months and has already taken steps to upgrade our records management system, launched an organization-wide audit of our services and assets, brought bylaws into compliance with the Community Charter and initiated various grant processes to help Council meet its commitment to the people of Salmo,” White added.

Kalen-Sukra comes to the Village highly recommended from her previous employer, the City of Castlegar, her counterparts in neighbouring municipalities and the Local Government Management Association (LGMA).

White said Kalen-Sukra obtained a Master’s Degree in Political Science from York University, as well as a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and Philosophy from the University of Toronto.

She also has local government management and municipal law training from the University of Victoria.

Kalen-Sukra has more than a decade of proven leadership in municipal and community affairs, strategic planning, human resource management, public policy and labour relations with advanced skills in conflict resolution, negotiations and communications.

White said Kalen-Sukralives with her husband and four children in the Salmo area.

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