
Green Party candidate for MP, Samantha Troy

By Contributor
September 27th, 2015

Ed Note: We asked all the candidates to send us a write up with a bio introducing themselves to our readers. All four will be published separately.

The Green Party of Canada welcomes Samantha Troy as the candidate for South Okanagan – West Kootenay.

“It is my pleasure to have Sam join us as a Green Party Candidate,” said Carrie McLaren, Green Party of Canada BC Organizer. “As a working mom, passionate and resourceful, she offers an excellent choice for voters in South Okanagan – West Kootenay on Oct. 19.”

Samantha (Sam) Troy lives in Rossland, British Columbia working at Red Mountain Ski Resort in outdoor operations and dispatch. She currently serves as both Shop Steward and Health and Safety Chair.

After working 20 years in forestry, she joined the Green Party because she sees how climate change is directly impacting the local environment and economy.

“Resource sector and tourism jobs in this riding depend directly on the environment,” concluded Troy. “Pine beetle, drought, rain instead of powder days and range land lost to fire all hurt my riding. We need a new Federal Government that understands that the economy and environmental protection are both related and important.”

Samantha can be reached at samantha.troy@greenparty.ca.

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Categories: GeneralPolitics
