
Castlegar 2015 - Year in Review with updates

Castlegar Source
By Castlegar Source
January 5th, 2016

The top 10 stories of 2015 are determined, not by Source editorial staff, but rather by Google Analytics, based entirely on the number of reads each story generated.

“I’m invariably startled by the results – sometimes because of stories that make the list, but usually because of the stories that don’t,” said Source editor Kyra Hoggan. “2015 is a perfect example. We started the year with an end to a deeply acrimonious strike, spent a good portion of the summer watching our province burn down, endured a federal election with an outcome not even the pundits predicted. We had bank robbers, wildlife issues, fundraisers, new community buildings and initiatives. But the top 10 stories centre almost entirely around the police beat. “

Given the Source garnered 824,039 hits in 2015, though, it seems safe to assume the other stories are getting read, so without further ado, here are the 10 that got read the most:

1.    The number-one most-read story for 2015 centred around the officer-involved fatal shooting of  39-year-old Waylon Edey, of Yahk, on the Kinnaird Bridge on Jan. 29. Now, almost a year later, the Independent Investigations Office is showing the investigation to be less than 85 per cent complete. While the IIO spokesman was unwilling to speak to the particulars of an ongoing investigation, he said delays are often the result of having to wait for third-party reports such as lab results.   https://castlegarsource.com/news/updated-officer-involved-fatal-shooting-kinnaird-bridge-35905#.VorseE8pmGk

2.      Taking second place is a story about a fire roughly mid-way between Trail and Castlegar, as well as an update on wildfires that were burning in the region, including on the Paulson Pass, another near Robson, one at Deer Creek near Castlegar and teh massive blaze at Rock Creek. https://castlegarsource.com/news/new-fire-near-birchbank-golf-course-regional-update-38923#.Vorss08pmGk

3.     This heart-warming story happened just days ago, and began with a heart-wrenching situation wherein two RCMP officers had to apprehend two small children from their family home on Christmas Eve. Desperate to at least ensure the children had a Christmas, the two cops contacted the owner of Trail’s Canadian Tire, who opened the store just for them, and donated everything the officers picked out for the children. The story took mere days to become our third most-read story of the entire year. https://castlegarsource.com/news/two-trail-children-apprehended-foster-care-christmas-eve-two-rcmp-save-christmas-40189#.Vors3k8pmGk

4.   Coming in fourth was an article about a local businesswoman who used her company to raise funds to help the family of a nurse killed in a bizarre and tragic accident near Christina Lake on March 26.    https://castlegarsource.com/news/updated-local-business-owner-starts-fundraiser-nurse-killed-christina-lake-mva-37385#.VortkU8pmGk

5.     Our fifth most-read story harkens back to the officer-involved fatal shooting, but this time was covering the Coroner’s release of Waylon Edey’s name.  https://castlegarsource.com/news/coroner-releases-name-deceased-officer-involved-fatal-shooting-35940#.Vort4E8pmGk

6.   The piece bringing in the sixth-highest number of hits was a column, rather than an article, speaking to the vicious social media backlash faced by local RCMP in the wake of an officer-involved fatal shooting.    https://castlegarsource.com/news/out-left-field-cop-bashing-abuse-free-speech-35928#.Vort-E8pmGk

7.     Coming in seventh was a story about Powell River police arresting the Trail RCMP detachment’s most-wanted violent offender, 38-year-old David Grant Mack. https://castlegarsource.com/news/cops-powell-river-nab-trail-detachments-most-wanted-violent-offender-36850#.VoruHE8pmGk

8.    Eighth most-read story of the year was an horrific one describing the shocking kidnapping, assault and robbery of an elderly Salmo woman.   https://castlegarsource.com/news/elderly-salmo-woman-abducted-beaten-and-robbed-39314#.VoruSk8pmGk

9.   Ninth was once again a police file, this time a public plea for witnesses to come forward after a brutal assault on a Good Samaritan Dec 7. RCMP top cop Sgt. Darren Oelke said there has not yet been an arrest in this case, but they did get a pomising tip they are currently following up.    https://castlegarsource.com//news/cops-issue-urgent-plea-witnesses-after-brutal-attack-warfield-40037#.VorukU8pmGk

10.   Finally, in tenth spot, is an article releasing the name of a man accused of instigating an hours-long armed stand-off with police Feb. 8 and 9, forcing the evacuation of a Castlegar neighbourhood. https://castlegarsource.com//news/name-gunman-released-court-appearance-36906#.VorvQk8pmGk

As far as most-read Facebook posts go, one was the stand-out shocking winner after it went viral last month with over 10 million views. Posted to our page by Melissa Boisvenu, this video also garnered more than 58,000 likes, over 3,600 comments and upwards of 292,000 shares.

From the Castlegar Source, wishing you and yours a safe, joyful and prosperous 2016.


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