
West Kootenay Transit on Board with Selkirk College to Boost Adventure by Bus

Bob Hall
By Bob Hall
October 13th, 2016

A new video starring Selkirk College students shows off the benefits of jumping on board West Kootenay Transit.

Produced by Digital Arts & New Media Program student James Tucker, the partnership between the college and BC Transit aims to change how the community thinks about transportation.

“Public transit in the West Kootenay region provides an efficient way for residents to get around the region,” said Manuel Achadinha, BC Transit President and CEO. “The students in the video do a terrific job showing all the effective BC Transit options available to riders.”

The video called Boost Adventure by Bus, captures Selkirk College Saints players adventuring by bus, across the diverse and beautiful West Kootenay landscape. Hockey heroes Dallas Calvin, Arie Postmus and Ryan Edwards make stops at Cottonwood Falls in Nelson, the Castlegar & District Recreation Complex and the Historic Brilliant Suspension Bridge. Joining them, guitar in hand, was Selkirk College Contemporary Music & Technology Program students Mordechai Ben Shahar, Sophie Moreau Parent, Amanda Cowley, James Villa and Jan Cho.

The video helps demonstrate how—with BC Transit—you can put down your map, relax, and get lost in the spectacular West Kootenay views.

Now in his second year, Tucker created the storyboards, recruited the talent, shot and edited the video. It was a valuable opportunity for the aspiring filmmaker and actor, allowing him to take creative licence to compliment his classroom learning with real life experience.

“It was a good teaser into what making a commercial would look like across all stages of production,” says the Nelson native. “For any creative professional collaborating with an employer is important, being able to foster good people skills. Aside from the skills I refined, I think that one of the biggest things I got out of this was an ability to direct and coordinate.”

Working with BC Transit gave Tucker insight into public transportation, and allowed him to get an even better idea about the range of service available to students.

“I’ll work on any creative project, but when something that has really good driving force behind it… it helps a lot,” he says. “I really enjoyed the process and it left me wanting more.”

For the Columbia-Kootenay Zones, a post-secondary bus pass costs $35 per month or $125 per semester. A single ride is $2.

You can view the video at: https://vimeo.com/187211799. Find out more about Selkirk College programs and opportunities at selkirk.ca.



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