
Movie Night at the Miners Hall -- snow talent, prizes, and more . . .

By Contributor
November 15th, 2019

Getting offline and spending more time outside in nature is something we can all get on board with, right?

West Kootenay EcoSociety is bringing two movies, Level 1 Productions’ Romance and Nitro Snowboards’ Offline to Rossland on Wednesday, November 20th at the Miners Hall at 7:00 pm, and to Nelson on Wednesday, November 27th at the Civic Theatre at 7:00 pm.

Romance will be premiering in the Kootenays at our Rossland screening next week. This is Level 1 Productions’ final movie. Twenty years down the line, they sure as heck went out with a bang. Featuring ‘a generation of talent that came of age in the best time to ever do it’, the movie captures the magic of free skiing in locations such as Mount Baker, and other places in BC, Idaho, Bend, Oregon and Quebec, featuring Tom Wallisch, Parker White, Wiley Miller and Lucas Stal Madison.

Offline focuses on disconnecting from the online world through good old-fashioned snowboarding fun. They ensure all angles are covered with perfect open face glides, tight trees and endless party lines which leave you feeling like you want to grab a group of friends and go shred as soon as you’ve finished watching. Featuring Nitro team riders Eero Ettala, Sam Taxwood, Austin Smith, Bryan Fox, Sven Thorgren, Elias Elhardt and more!

Both screenings will feature live auctions of some awesome prizes.  At the Rossland showing, a pair of skis and a cat skiing trip will be up for grabs; and at the Civic theatre showing in Nelson, viewers can vie for a week’s catered ski touring trip with Valhalla Mountain Touring worth over $5,000.  Expect prize giveaways from The Sacred Ride, guest speakers and our electric bike raffle draw, too!

“Come to the movie and support the EcoSociety’s work to protect wild places and build community support for the transition to 100% renewable energy.  We need to protect our snow and winters,” says Laura Johnson, EcoSociety’s community engagement and development coordinator.

“If you want to help make sure we have more winters with champagne powder, and if you want to have an evening filled with friends and excitement for the winter season, then come out to the movie night.”

Tickets are $18 general admission and $15 for youth under 18. Tickets for the Rossland screening are available at ecosociety.ca/calendaror at Out of the Cellar, and for the Nelson screening at the Civic Theatre or civictheatre.ca.

This is the perfect event for Rosslanders to attend after biting some pizza and contributing to the City’s public workshop on moving toward the goal of 100% renewable energy, to help protect our snowy winters (and so much more), that same evening.  The City’s workshop starts at 5:30 and takes place in the Lily May Room at the Miners Hall.  The workshop is not only free, but will feature the afore-mentioned pizza too.

West Kootenay EcoSociety is a non-profit community-driven organization that brings together local residents to protect the natural environment while building just, equitable, healthy, and livable communities in the West Kootenay region.

This post was syndicated from https://rosslandtelegraph.com
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