
Support the Student Climate Strike

By Contributor
November 22nd, 2019


Rosslanders and Trailites of all ages are encouraged to join a group of environmentally conscious youngsters who are joining fellow students around the world to demand government action on climate change.  The ‘Fridays for Future’ Trail team have organised a peaceful protest march in downtown Trail on Friday, November 29th.  They will start their walk at 11:00 am from the corner of Victoria Street and Bay Avenue to City Hall and are rallying local support for a cause close to their hearts. 

Inspired by fellow activists who recognize the  need to make a difference, today, “for the love of life” and the future,  the local arm of the global youth-led movement is calling on residents of Trail and Rossland and other local communities, young and old alike, to come out in droves to support their efforts and get behind the generation who want to protect their future and prevent irreversible damage.

Climate change is happening.  Systemic change is necessary to curb it.

“Change doesn’t happen without people demanding it and the power of the people is always stronger than the people in power,” says Grade 11 Crowe student Agnes Hamill.  “Together we can make a big difference, get heard at government level and empower others by giving them a voice as well as a forum to stand up, speak out and take action.  We would love to see parents, teachers, schools, and businesses join young local people and support our protest in what ever ways they can. It’s time to act!  If you’re concerned for the future, make your banners, go on strike and join us on our march on Friday,” she adds.

Meeting on the corner of Victoria Street and Bay Avenue, protesters will walk through downtown to City Hall.   It is hoped that the Mayor will address the gathered strikers to share Council’s vision for a carbon free future in the City, and its plans to shift away from fossil fuels.

“It’s amazing to see young people stepping up and taking on a leadership role on such an important issue and we hope to get a great turn out from the local community on the day who share their concerns,” says Geoff Harrison , the Youth Action Network Coordinator in Trail, who together with Andrew O Kane — a volunteer at West Kootenay EcoSociety — is an ‘adult ally’ assisting students with their strike.

Any local teens who want to make signs or posters for the climate strike are welcome to use the art supplies at the Trail Youth Centre at 1696A Second Avenue during operating hours (Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday from 3:30-8:30pm.   An Art Instructor will be on hand to help from 5:30-7:30pm on Wednesday, November 27th .

If any local businesses want to join or support the march, offer refreshments to protestors, or post up a “Closed for climate strike” poster please contact Trail YAN.

You can follow and like Trail Climate Action on Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/Trail-Climate-Action-106956814085986/ and register your interest, sign up and share the event here:  Trail Climate Strike.  To find out more, contact trail_yan on Instagram, @TrailYAN on Facebook or visit www.fridaysforfuture.org





This post was syndicated from https://rosslandtelegraph.com
