
High streamflow advisory for entire RDCK

Regional District of Central Kootenay
By Regional District of Central Kootenay
May 29th, 2020

Extreme vigilance is required this weekend around rivers, creeks and streams in the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK), specifically the Salmo and Slocan river regions.

The BC River Forecast Centre has issued a high streamflow advisory for the entire RDCK. The current hot weather and rain event forecast for this Saturday, May 30, 2020, has the potential to give the region a one-two punch in terms of flooding.  A high streamflow advisory indicates river levels are rising or expected to rise rapidly and minor flooding in low-lying areas is possible.

“As far as weather scenarios during freshet season, this is worst case,” says Chris Johnson, Regional Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) Director.

“Weather this hot, over this many days results in significant snow melt, essentially filling up our rivers and creeks.

“This on its own can be challenging, but when it is followed by precipitation, especially this kind of convective weather that is likely to result in thunderstorms forming with severe downpours, it results in the potential for very high, possibly destructive flows in our systems.”

The RDCK EOC will be monitoring the conditions throughout the weekend, but stresses, while the impacts on larger systems like the Slocan and Salmo rivers are more easily predicted, the many steep creeks and streams throughout the region are susceptible to sudden and significant increases of flow.

The RDCK EOC is asking that all residents be extremely vigilant if they are planning to be around our water ways this weekend, but recommends if you live near a creek or river, or have experienced flooding from a creek or river in the past, now is the time to get prepared.

“Evacuations may be required with little to no warning, so please do take some time now to get prepared in the event you are required to leave in a moments notice,” says Johnson.

See below for links to emergency resources.

BC Flood Warnings and Advisories

BC River Forecast Centre

Be flood prepared

Make your plan

Build your emergency kit and grab-and-go bag

This post was syndicated from https://castlegarsource.com
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