
City of Trail Notice - Snow Removal Procedures

City of Trail
By City of Trail
November 8th, 2021

The City has 76 kilometers (152 lane kilometers) of roads to maintain throughout the City and has 14 pieces of equipment including loaders, sand spreaders, snow plows, and a grader. From mid-November to March, the City has at least one employee on duty 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The number of employees involved in snow removal is dependent on the amount and duration of snowfall.

Snow Removal Priorities – City streets are maintained on a priority basis as follows:

  • #1 Priority – Major collectors and emergency routes, i.e. Hospital Hill, Warfield Hill Road (from Warfield Teck Operations to Highway 22), Fifth Avenue Hill, and hills with extreme gradients and significant volume, i.e. Green Avenue.
  • #2 Priority – Bus routes.
  • #3 Priority – Downtown core, including downtown parking lots and the Trail & Leisure Aquatic Centre.
  • #4 Priority – Hills with lighter traffic volumes, i.e. Lilac Crescent, Park Street.
  • #5 Priority – All remaining residential streets and parking lots.

When all 5 priorities have been accomplished, lanes will be plowed and all other streets will be widened.

City-owned Sidewalks, Downtown, Sand Use & Plow Direction

  • City-owned sidewalks, including the Victoria Street Bridge sidewalk and the Columbia River Skywalk, will be cleared following heavy snowfall.
  • In general, sand is not used on level streets except when extreme icing conditions are experienced.
  • Snow removal in the downtown area is undertaken after a heavy snowfall – this is normally done in the evening hours. Other designated business areas will be cleared as required.
  • The City plow trucks plow with the traffic flow. Snow is cleared from the centre of the road to the right curb side.
  • The City will not clear snow windrows from any private driveway.

How can you help? Remember, citizens can greatly assist the snow control operation by adhering to the following requests:

  • Remove all unused vehicles, boats, trailers, etc. from the streets from November to March.
  • Ensure that any vehicles required to park on the street are parked as close to the curb or sidewalk as possible.
  • Refrain from shoveling or spreading snow onto the boulevard or into the roadway from sidewalks and private property, etc.
  • Obey snow removal signs.
  • Property owners are required to remove any accumulation of snow or ice from sidewalks abutting their property.

Snow Removal Questions or Concerns

  • Please direct all snow removal questions or concerns to the City of Trail Public Works Department at (250) 364-0840 Monday to Friday 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
  • Emergency calls outside of normal working hours should be directed to (250) 364-1262 and follow the prompts to Public Works.

Categories: General
