
Newsletter from MLA/Minister Katrine Conroy

Katrine Conroy
By Katrine Conroy
August 30th, 2024

Last week I had the honour to cut the ribbon at the opening of The Confluence Castlegar. It is so exciting that this Passive House certified, Mass Timber building, which will operate with 85% reduced emissions is now open for events, office space, and welcoming visitors from around the world!! Thank you to Tammy Verigin-Burk who made this dream become a reality along with the tremendous support from community members and businesses.

The Province has provided over $3 million in funding for this project!

  • $1 million from the Rural Economic Diversification and Infrastructure Program
  • $1 million from the B.C. Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport
  • $924,000 from the CleanBC Communities fund
  • $250,000 from the Mass Timber Demonstration Program (MTDP)

As you may know, on July 11, 2024, Canada and the U.S. announced that an Agreement-in-Principle (AIP) has been reached towards modernizing the Columbia River Treaty. We are pleased to share two new ways to learn more about the AIP and what it means for the Columbia Basin.

  1. A new video explaining the AIP is now available. It features members of the Canadian Columbia River Treaty negotiation delegation describing the different elements in the AIP under the themes of flood risk management, Canadian flexibility, hydropower and transmission, compensation, and ecosystem health and Indigenous values. We encourage you to watch and share with others.

Watch the AIP video now

  1. The Province of B.C. will be hosting a public virtual information session on September 17, 2024 from 6 – 7:30 pm Pacific Time / 7 – 8:30 pm Mountain Time. Join representatives from the Canadian negotiation delegation as they provide more details about the AIP and answer questions. Questions can be submitted in advance by emailing columbiarivertreaty@gov.bc.ca by September 8. A recording will be available afterwards.

Register for the Info Session now

A link to the video and details about the virtual information session are also on the B.C. Columbia River Treaty AIP webpage, along with a Backgrounder on the AIP and answers to frequently asked questions.

We want to hear from you!
Feedback, comments and questions about the AIP are welcome any time by emailing us at columbiarivertreaty@gov.bc.ca.
Thank you!
The B.C. Columbia River Treaty Team

Trail Community Action Team (TCAT) will be hosting an evening with live music and sharing stories or memories of those lost to overdose and the toxic drug crisis. 7pm August 31st @ Jubilee Park (BC Spirit Square) on the esplanade, downtown Trail behind the Library.

New provincewide Opioid Treatment Access Line provides same-day access to care
The province has launched the Opioid Treatment Access Line to make it faster and easier for people to get life-saving medication to treat opioid-use disorder and get connected to same-day care. When people struggling with opioid addiction decide to reach out for help, they need access to treatment and care quickly, free from barriers. This new confidential access line will expand access to treatment and recovery so people can get the care they need, where and when they need it.

Wishing everyone a safe and happy long weekend! We hope you have an enjoyable Labour Day.
Labour Day is not just a day to mark the end of summer.

It is a day to recognize the contributions of workers to the community and economy, and to remember the accomplishments of the labor movement, which has fought for workers’ rights that many folks now take for granted, such as overtime pay, parental leave, and workplace safety standards.

In our area, the ???? ???????? ?????? ??????? ???? ?? ??????? ? ?????? ?????? on Sunday in Fruitvale with games, live music and free hot dogs & burgers:
?????: Haines Field, 1777 Green Rd., Fruitvale.
????: Sunday, Sept. 1st, from 12pm – 2pm.
???: https://maps.app.goo.gl/rFNS1WuHmTovv89C8
Please click below for a list of community events across B.C.

Cellphone restrictions in schools take effect as part of actions to keep kids safe, healthy
Cellphones and other digital devices will be restricted in B.C. schools when students return to school next week as part of a series of actions to keep kids safe and healthy. It’s a top priority for our government to keep kids safe and healthy in schools. Cellphones and other digital devices will be restricted in B.C. schools when students return to school next week.

This is part of a series of actions we’re taking to keep kids safe, and healthy in schools, including:

  • protecting children from online predators and extortion;
  • protecting students and staff from harassing protesters through the implementation of access zones around schools;
  • creating and expanding school food programs through a $214-million investment.

More certified teachers coming to B.C. schools
Recruitment and training initiatives are underway for the coming school year to get more certified teachers into B.C. classrooms and build B.C.’s K-12 workforce. We know that the record numbers of newcomers moving to B.C each year means we need more teaching staff in schools. We are actively working with our education partners on K-12 workforce initiatives to support the recruitment and retention of more certified teachers and build a sustainable education workforce for years to come.

New funding strengthens police work that combats online child exploitation
Police in B.C. will soon have more tools to enhance their efforts in protecting children online and strengthen abilities to pursue, disrupt and prosecute offenders. Online child exploitation happens every single day, and as social media platforms continue to grow, we must ensure our children are protected from those trying to hurt them. That’s why we continue to work with the federal government to equip police with the necessary tools to support units tasked with the very difficult job of investigating these horrendous crimes.

Annual rent increase for 2025 will be tied to inflation
The province is capping the maximum allowable rent increase at three per cent next year, down from the 3.5 per cent hike allowed in 2024. The decision to tie the maximum rental increase to the rate of inflation will save renters hundreds of dollars while allowing landlords to recoup the rising costs of maintaining rental properties. Prior to 2018, the maximum allowable rent increase in B.C. was capped at the rate of inflation plus two per cent. The new three per cent cap cannot take effect before Jan. 1, 2025.

BC Transit services expand in Kootenay
People across the province will see improved transit options with increased frequency, extended hours of service, expanded handyDART service options and additional trips. People will see the enhanced service beginning January 2025. In Kootenay Boundary, two additional weekday round trips will be added to Route 98. In Kootenay Lake West, more time is being added to Route 53 Edgewood for better on-time service, and Route 52 will stop at the New Denver Health Centre.

Building code updated to support more homes in B.C.
Families and individuals will soon have more multi-bedroom apartment options available to them, thanks to changes to the BC Building Code (BCBC) allowing single egress stair (SES) designs in low- and mid-rise buildings. By adjusting B.C.’s building code to allow single egress stair buildings, we can not only boost housing supply, but also create more options for people and families who need larger layouts and more bedrooms. This will allow people to live, grow and prosper in the communities they call home.

I would like to take the opportunity to let you know about MLA Office support through the Fall.

As you are likely aware, there will be an election on October 19th, and I will be retiring. When the election is called (when “the writ is dropped”) on September 21st, the work at the community constituency office will be suspended. During this time, constituents requiring assistance can contact ServiceBC to be directed to the Ministry or agency that can best assist them.

It will likely take several weeks after the new MLA is elected to re-hire staff and establish their new office.

My community office is open this Monday to Thursday 10 am – 3 pm until September 19th. To make sure Sarah and Angelika are available set up an appointment. The office can be reached at 250-304-2783 or Katrine.Conroy.MLA@leg.bc.ca.

Helpful resources:

  • 8-1-1 is a free-of-charge provincial health information and advice phone line in British Columbia.
  • 2-1-1 is a free and confidential service that connects people to helpful and vital resources in their community. They provide information and referrals to various community, government, and social services.
  • 9-8-8 If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide, call or text 9-8-8. Support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through Suicide Crisis Helpline
  • Visit the brand-new BC Benefits Connector at gov.bc.ca/BCBenefitsConnector to find benefits and savings for things like energy bills, transportation, education and training, and health care.

This post was syndicated from https://castlegarsource.com
Categories: GeneralOp/EdPolitics
