

Going inside the CBT with the annual report, report to residents

All of the secrets of the Columbia Basin Trust have been cracked open for public viewing — financial investments, spending and program and initiative activities — as the 2010/11 Annual Report and 2011 Report to Residents are now published. The Annual Report reflects CBT’s performance for the 2010/11 year, ending March 31, and details its […]

Bigger than life: Waneta in its full effect

One of the biggest construction projects the region has ever known is now open for public viewing. A new public viewing area opened last week across from the Waneta Expansion Project construction site. The viewing area is located directly across Highway 22A and provides a safe place to observe construction and view interpretive signage about […]

Castlegar takes its Chances with new gaming casino, open today

 Today’s the big day – after years of anticipation, Chances Gaming Centre will finally be opening its doors in Castlegar. Grand opening celebrations begin with an invitation-only reception, from noon to 4 p.m., with over 200 guests ranging from the local MP and MLA, as well as mayors-and-councils from all tri-city communities, to contractors and […]

Signs of improvement for West Kootenay info signs

Ever actually stopped at one of those “Information areas” along the highways in the region? You know the ones I mean. The ones featured at highway pull outs, coated with outdated ads and feature a surprisingly square, seemingly scale-less, essentially useless series of connect-the-dot lines between community names? If you’ve ever wondered if anyone has […]

Province records lower deficit than forecast

The Province of British Columbia ended the fiscal year with a smaller deficit than forecast. “Better economic conditions and our prudent approach to spending mean we’ve been able to close the deficit gap considerably, ending the year with a deficit of $309 million and keeping us well on course to balance the budget in 2013-14 […]

New programs support job training in Kootenays and other B.C. regions

Proposals are being sought for new industry-specific programs to provide more skilled workers in the Kootenay region, as well as North Coast, Nechako and Cariboo areas. It’s anticipated that B.C. will have one million job openings in the next 10 years, and much of the demand will be in the Interior and northern B.C. To […]

OP/ED: MP slams new US tax laws that apply to some Canadians

 BC Southern Interior MP Alex Atamanenko is outraged at the proposed United States (US) tax crackdown recently announced by the American government.  By law, all individuals holding US citizenship are required to file annual income tax returns with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). In addition, the new US Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) obliges […]

Get a grip on the steering wheel, carbon tax increases the hit at the pump

No, it’s not a long weekend gouge, but expect to pay more at the pumps starting on Canada Day. Effective July 1 the carbon tax on gasoline rises by 1.11 cents per litre to 5.56 cents per litre. Other fuels see a similar increase. However, the Low Income Climate Action Tax Credit also increases by […]

Rural areas to get better high speed internet service

Rural and remote areas of the West Kootenay-Boundary and across the province are expected to benefit from a $100-million, 10-year strategic telecommunications services contract the Province signed with TELUS Wednesday. Under the contract, high-speed Internet connections will be improved for families and businesses in rural and remote B.C., and cellular coverage along highways across the […]

BC’s tax system means richest households pay lowest overall tax rate

Public debate about taxes may be focused on the HST, but a new report suggests that the HST is only one piece of an inequitable provincial tax system, a system in which the richest 20 per cent of British Columbians pay a lower tax rate than the rest of us. The report, by the Canadian […]