

Initial watershed study goes public

The first phase of the Kettle River watershed management report is complete and is being rolled out to the public. Grand Forks city council received a presentation from the project co-ordinator Graham Watt to update them on the study, key focus areas and next steps at their meeting Monday, Dec. 17. The Regional District of […]

The era of the spirit

The Scriptures of the Christian Church tell us that the birth of the baby in the manger at Bethlehem came at the end of one era, and the beginning of another. In Luke's Gospel, the Angel Gabriel visits first not Mary, nor Joseph, but one Zechariah, a priest of the temple of Yahweh, and his wife, Elizabeth, a descendant of...

Report critiques Canada's organic certification system

The Frontier Centre for Public Policy recently released a policy study examining the system for testing organic products – or the lack thereof – in Canada. Authors Mischa Popoff and Patrick Moore drop the bomb on organic certification in Canada by revealing that organic crops are not systematically tested by the Canadian Food...

Nelson's Geoff Kinrade plays for Team Canada

Geoff Kinrade grew up spending time during the Christmas holidays watching Canadian hockey teams in action on television at major tournaments in Europe. Now Kinrade will be front and center on one of those teams as the Nelsonite suits up as a member of Team Canada at the Spengler Cup, December 26-31 in Davos, Switzerland. […]

Power of the Internet: hackers target Westboro Baptist Church website, Twitter

Hackers claiming to be associated with the internet activist group Anonymous have attacked the website belonging to the Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) and hacked into the Twitter account belonging to Shirley Phelps-Roper, the Church's spokeswoman. The attacks are part of an operation dubbed '#OpWestBor' on Twitter and is in ...

Wolverine on Links' Line confirmed, shattering legend of the lynx

This photo by Jonathan Provencal on Dec. 16 confirms that the animal whose den is under the Motherlode ski lift on Granite Mountain's Links' Line is, in fact, a female wolverine. “I was suspicious about the tracks,” Provencal said, referring to the widely held opinion that it was a lynx’s den. “They didn’t look like lynx...

Nelson Police Department and RCMP weigh in on organized crime and marijuana in our region

Last week Federal Health Minister Leona Aglukkaq announced that under the new guidelines, patients will no longer apply to Health Canada for medical marijuana, and home production will be phased out. Prior to the news The Nelson Daily reporter Erin Perkins talked with RCMP Kootenay Boundary regional detachment staff sergeant Dan Seibel and Nelson Police […]

UPDATED: Nelson/Rossland tops Powder Mag's 'Ski Town Throw Down' contest

And the winner is . . . Nelson/Rossland in the Powder Magazine Ski Town Throwdown contest. The West Kootenay rep went from underdog to champion in the Powder Magazine sponsored contest to find the best ski town in North America. Nelson/Rossland (Whitewater/Red Mountain) defeated Bozeman, Montana 11426 to 10572 in voting that ended Sunday. The […]

Local woman sparks international movement with thousands of followers ... using Facebook

Castlegar’s own Holly Smee is stunned and delighted to have garnered the support of more than 10,000 people just days after launching a Facebook campaign in response to recent tragedy. Smee, a 34-year-old mental health worker, said she got the idea on the same morning that a school shooting spree took the lives of 20 […]

OP/ED: A 30-Something rhyme for Christmastime

Twas the week before Christmas, and all through the house there was plenty of stirring, but not one goddamned louse. I had made extra sure we would all be nit-free, just in time for St. Nick to come down the chimney. We were over the pox, and the flu, and the cold, just holding our breath, worried […]