

Mir Centre for Peace Lecture Series presents: Sharon McIvor

Selkirk College’s Mir Centre for Peace Lecture Series invites you to come down “The Long Hard Road” with guest speaker, indigenous activist and academic, Sharon McIvor. A member of the Lower Niclola Indian Band located outside of Merritt, B.C., Sharon McIvor will talk about her decades-long struggle to correct a century of discrimination against aboriginal […]

Rockies wolves south of BC are safe for now

By Laura Zuckerman, Reuters A federal judge on Saturday rejected a plan negotiated between the government and wildlife advocates to remove most wolves in the Rockies from the Endangered Species List. The deal struck earlier this month between the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and 10 conservation groups would have lifted federal protections from an […]

Key dates for the HST referendum announced

Some key dates for the HST referendum were announced Friday. • Monday, June 13 – Elections BC starts mailing out referendum ballots for the HST to all registered voters. • Friday, June 24 – Majority of British Columbians have received the ballot. • Friday, July 8 – Last day for unregistered voters to request a […]

DENTAL CARE: Putting our money where our mouth is

The re-negotiations of the federal-provincial-territorial health accord are on the horizon, and everyone is looking for a way to save money and improve health.  Sound impossible?  Why don’t we put our money where our mouth is?   It’s a strange truth of Canadian public policy: the care of our lips, tongues, and throats is fully […]

Genetically modified dairy cows produce 'human milk'

A team from the China Agrcultural University is reporting success after transfering human genes into a herd of 300 dairy cows. The cows now produce milk containing proteins associated with human breast milk. Human milk is beneficial to infants due to its high nutrient concentration. Formula milk offers an alternative to breastfeeding, but critics feel it is inferior and […]

Government data reveals hundreds of B.C. grizzlies killed by humans in 2010

New government data shows that more than 300 grizzly bears were killed in British Columbia last year, mostly as a result of trophy hunting. Released by the David Suzuki Foundation at the start of B.C.’s spring bear hunt, official government records indicate 317 grizzlies died at the hands of humans in 2010. Almost four out […]

VIDEO: Atamanenko addresses public forum on CETA

On February 11, the Nelson Chapter of the Council of Canadians held a public forum on CETA, the latest trade agreement that the Canadian Government is negotiating with the European Union at Nelson United Church. Guest speakers were Peter Julian, the NDP International Trade Critic along with Alex Atamanenko, our local MP. A three part […]

OP/ED: Why Canada attacked Libya

Would Stephen Harper attack Libya simply to justify spending tens of billions of dollars on F-35 fighter jets? Perhaps. But, add on doing it for major Canadian investors, reinforcing his “principled” foreign policy rhetoric and reasserting western control over a region in flux, and you pretty much have the range of reasons why a half […]

Thousands gather in London to protest against government cuts

 Hundreds of thousands of people joined marches in London on Saturday against public sector cuts by the British government. One union estimated up to half a million people travelled from across the country to demonstrate as the Conservative–Liberal Democrat coalition implements wide-ranging spending cuts. According to reports, a small group of protesters dressed in black threw paint and smoke bombs […]

Open house on future of provincial power production Wednesday night

By Timothy Schafer, The Nelson Daily There is expected to be a 40 per cent increase in the demand for electricity in BC over the next 20 years, according to BC Hydro, and the Crown corporation is in the process of drafting a 20-year plan to meet those needs. Public input on the Integrated Resource […]

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