

“Grounds for Haiti” rounds up talent with Trail-area coffee shops to support Plan Canada

  It started with three people who wanted to make a difference and it has turned into a collective fundraising effort focused on long-term rebuilding efforts in Haiti. “Grounds for Haiti is a grass-roots effort that people have just jumped on board to support,” says volunteer Kari Colbachini;“When this was first being brainstormed, it became something […]

Threatened bears slaughtered in B.C. parks: New research shows grizzlies being legally hunted in conservation areas

Trophy hunters are turning British Columbia’s protected areas into graveyards for grizzlies, despite the province’s reputation as one of the last continental safe havens for the bears, according to new research by the David Suzuki Foundation.  The Foundation has identified more than 60 provincial parks where grizzly bears – which no longer exist or are […]

local governments/CBT address water conservation

Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) is pleased to announce that 19 local governments will be participating in the Columbia Basin Water Smart Initiative (Water Smart) to address water conservation in the region. CBT is partnering with 17 municipalities and two regional districts to embark on this ambitious initiative to reduce community water use across the Basin […]

MLAs Conroy and Mungall challenge Health Minister Falcon to meet KBRH Surgical Staff

MLAs Katrine Conroy and Michelle Mungall have written a letter to the Minister of Health, Kevin Falcon, describing to him the concerns that area surgeons, anesthetists and operating room nurses have with the decision by the IHA to cut surgeries at Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital. In their letter dated February 15, 2010, Conroy and Mungall […]

Jim Albo and supporters protest at KBRH

Between 11:00 A.M. and 3:00 P.M. today a rotating group of at times 30 or more strong protested what they believed to be the steady and continuous destruction of our area’s healthcare system. This is the fourth year in a row that Jim Albo has stood outside of the hospital on February 20th. “The first […]

B.C. plans an escalation of its war on wolves by adding helicopters to its arsenal

The following is a press release from the Valhalla Wilderness Society The BC government, under the cover of the current Olympic fun and games, has quietly presented an agenda for shooting wolves from helicopters. For several years now, BC has been killing wolves by trapping them throughout the Interior Wetbelt, to aid mountain caribou recovery.“The […]

Urquhart’s sausages rise again: Haiti Relief Campaign takes on a local flavour

(Trail, BC) When Jim Urquhart shut down his meat business a couple of years ago, local people who had become accustomed to the taste of his incredible sausage offerings mourned the loss of their favorite flavours. Many knew they’d never taste the like again. It seems, however, that they’ll get at least one more chance […]

Atamanenko: credit card fraud

My office has recently learned of the latest credit card scam, which I thought would be worthwhile sharing with readers during the holiday season. The scam works like this: A person will call saying – ‘This is (name), and I’m calling from the Security and Fraud Department at VISA. My Badge Number is 12460, your card […]

Glacier/Howser Fight Continues at Nelson Meeting

 CASTLEGAR— Kootenay West MLA Katrine Conroy says the community members that attended the Glacier-Howser meeting in Nelson were energized and inspired to continue the fight against the controversial private power project. “This is just the beginning,” said Conroy. “The people of this region are ready to fight hard against Gordon Campbell’s plan to privatize our waterways […]

CBT Selects Rossland Sustainability Commission for State of the Basin Initiative

The Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) is pleased to announce three community pilot projects that will receive financial support as part of the State of the Basin Initiative, a model for monitoring and reporting on social, environmental, economic and cultural indicators and trends in the Columbia Basin region. Earlier this year, CBT invited municipalities, regional districts, First […]