

Interview: Meet a new Rosslander -- the new CEO of KC Recycling

Pete Stamper is the new Chief Executive Officer of KC Recycling, and he moved to Rossland with his family in July of this year.  I learned this after receiving his press release announcing that KC Recycling is making significant investments to expand its capacity and will be able to recycle all of Canada’s cathode-ray-tube ...

Support the Student Climate Strike

LOCALSTUDENTS WILL SKIP LESSONS TO TEACH GOVERNMENT ONE -- ON CLIMATE CHANGE Rosslanders and Trailites of all ages are encouraged to join a group of environmentally conscious youngsters who are joining fellow students around the world to demand government action on climate change.  The ‘Fridays for Future’ Trail team have...

Province will act to discourage vaping

The Province will restrict vapour product access, flavours, nicotine content, packaging and advertising, and intends to increase taxes on vapour products, to protect youth from risks associated with vaping. “Some vaping manufacturers are using flavours and advertising to entice and normalize vaping for youth – introducing a...

Column: From the Hill -- a message from our re-elected MP

I want to start by saying that it’s a great honour and privilege to be re-elected as the Member of Parliament for South Okanagan-West Kootenay.  I’ll continue to work hard to live up to the responsibility of that position. It was a hard-fought campaign, and the landscape of Canadian politics has shifted somewhat.  We have a...

Province moves to do away with time changes -- at some future date

The Province has introduced the interpretation amendment act to allow for a future move to permanent daylight saving time (DST) after 93% of British Columbian respondents indicated support for the change in a record-breaking public engagement. “British Columbians have said loud and clear that they want to do away with the...

Tŝilhqot’in Nation Celebrates Grand Opening of its Solar Farm

The Tŝilhqot’in Nation celebrated the Grand Opening of its Solar Farm last Friday, October 18, 2019.  The Tŝilhqot’in Solar Farm is located 80 km west of Williams Lake on what is known as the Riverwest Sawmill.  The 1.25-MW solar farm is the largest of its kind in British Columbia and is one hundred percent developed, built,...

Column: We owe Greta and the world's youth more than a Nobel Prize

Many people, including me, expected Greta Thunberg to win this year’s Nobel Peace Prize. Instead, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali was deservedly awarded for ending more than 20 years of conflict with neighbouring Eritrea.Greta and the young people worldwide urging adults to care about their future don’t need a Nobel....

Column: Choose your government: Canadians and a perilous future

The moment, the prospects, the significance This is my second and final column on the federal election at hand. I write this feeling very uncertain about what Canadians want from politics. I have just recently told a friend in a conversation about the election – one of many –  that I think conservatism in Canada is weak. But...

Op/Ed: Caribou numbers crashing; Tŝilhqot’in Nation alarmed

Southern BC has lost all or most of its formerly numerous wild mountain caribou. Populations are crashing in the BC central interior as well. The Western Canada Wilderness Committee points out that they “were once so numerous that an entire region of BC is named after them. The Cariboo in the central interior of BC was given...

Rossland's climate march

“Thank you all for coming out to support us!  There are so many more people than we had expected,” said one youth representative from the steps of City Hall. Another shouted, “We are Generation Zed! We won’t be stopped!” The crowd that started outside the Youth Space across from RSS blocked Washington street and one lane at...

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