

SYRIA: Arm the rebels

This was published at Foreign Policy. There are some, perhaps many, Syrians who detest their government and are entirely aware of its treasonous nature — yet wish for the demonstrations and the guerrilla actions of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) to stop and for President Bashar al-Assad’s regime to regain control as soon as...

OP/ED: Strange bedfellows not such a bad thing after all

Ahhhh, spring is now, finally, here. It’s a time of year when thoughts turn to love …which makes me giggle now, as I look at my husband. He’s possibly the last guy in the world I ever would have pictured myself with, no matter how carried away I was with Spring Fever, and I am […]

What is to be done when 'Harper is us'?

There is one basic, foundational ground on which all politics in Canada must find traction, or not have any effect. This is it. Less than 15% of the people are "political" as part of their daily thinking and activity. They are the few to whom the actions of politicians, and their words and opinions, matter. The rest are not...

COMMENT: More than tuition at stake as Vancouver rallies in support of Quebec students

On a rainy Tuesday, Vancouverites rallied and marched in solidarity with the Quebec student movement.  Today’s demonstration took place exactly 100 days since the monumental student strike began.  Many speakers, including Margaret Orlowski, lucidly articulated how this movement out of Quebec is relevant across the whole...

The Hunger Games...and other dystopias

The Hunger Games have arrived, a storm of popularity that is selling millions of books and filling movie theatres. Suzanne Collins' dystopian story is about North America in ruin after an unspecified cataclysm leaves the rich in absolute power and the poor as their slaves. The story has a credibility because it extrapolates...

OP/ED: MP slams Tory cuts to Community Access Program funding

Southern Interior MP Alex Atamanenko added his voice today to the growing calls from his constituents demanding that the Conservative government reverse the cuts to the Community Access Program (CAP) hidden in the federal omnibus Budget Bill C-38 that will affect rural and low-income Canadians.   “CAP used to have more service...

OP/ED: Give moms capes and superpowers ... or leave 'em alone, wouldja?

The cover of the May 21 issue of Time magazine caught my attention – it could be the picture of a gorgeous woman breastfeeding her three-year-old that drew my eye, but what really grabbed me was the title Are you Mom enough? I think this question speaks volumes about the amount of pressure today’s society […]

OP/ED: Lillooet rapidly becoming basket case of municipal governance in B.C.

IntegrityBC is calling on the provincial government to appoint a conciliator to try and resolve the escalating disputes in the town of Lillooet over local governance and water management. IntegrityBC's call follows on the heels of the government rejecting the request of 336 residents for an inquiry into town affairs earlier...

Pushing the West OUT of Canada

Don’t think it couldn't happen!  People out here in the West may not yet be mad as hell, but we are confident enough in ourselves these days that we’re not going to take it anymore  if NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair  (and any other Central Canada political leaders) tie their pursuit of power to policies pumping up Eastern Canada...


Stephen Harper, too, shall pass into history, recorded as one of the most destructive, personally malignant personalities ever to have soiled the Canadian political landscape. But in the meantime, Canadians are so distracted by his political blitzkrieg through the agencies, policies, programs and institutions that make Canada...