LETTER: Casual Facebook joke not so funny after all
This is for everyone who feels a need to share this photo (the one attached to this story). As someone on assistance, this is very hurtful. I do not choose to be disabled. But it most certainly does not define me as a human being, nor does it diminish my worth. I have done thousands of hours of volunteer work and have saton...
ADVERTISING FEATURE: Deconstructing the business "What if ...?"
We all spend time as kids imagining how our lives might be when we grow up. And then we grow up and we find ourselves imagining what might happen if… In business, those daydreams can often turn into guessing games, red herrings and assumptive goose chases. But with some imagination and calculation, business owners can […]
ATAMANENKO: Organics, ahead of the curve here in BC
The Canada Organic Trade Association (COTA) recently published a report entitled, The BC Organic Market – Growth, Trends and Opportunities, 2013. According to the report, the organic market in Canada has grown exponentially over a very short period, to the point that it is now the fourth largest in the world. In British...
COMMENT: What government work should be done behind closed doors and what should be done openly?
What are we to do with, to, or about our Senate? Was it meant to be a chamber of sober second thought or a retirement home for political hamsters? Recent revelations about senators cashing in on the strength of what may, at best, be considered sloppy financial administration, have renewed calls to reform the Senate or to...
LETTER: Winlaw fire chief speaks to disciplinary action; mass resignation
To Whom it may concern. The Winlaw Fire Department is a volunteer group that has come together to help their community in the event of an emergency. We were recently asked by the Regional Fire Chief to provide traffic control for a nonemergency community event, I refused. Disciplinary action has now being taken against me for...
UPDATE: Opinion on Slocan response - Resiliency Centre now to stay open to Aug. 23
Ed Note: The Source just got word that the Resiliency Centre will now be open until Aug. 23. "We want to apologize to residents for any hardship that this incident may have caused," says Wayne Smook, senior vice president, airport services for Executive Flight Centre, "and we want to assure that Executive Flight Centre is...
COMMENT: Cluster Munitions and Bill S-10
The federal government has tabled legislation, Bill S-10, An Act to Implement the Convention on Cluster Munitions. My party opposes this Bill because it does not signify an attempt to ratify the Convention on Cluster Munitions but in fact, proposes to make an exception to it. Cluster munitions can release hundreds of explosives...
Meandering thoughtstreams, clouds in my coffee: A miscellany
Why I write A friend asked me about this column. What is the topic, theme, etc.? The best I could come up with, in summary of my intention: “I try to explore the question, ‘What is a good way to live, in these times and in this world?’ We are conscious of the magnitude of human and physical challenges in this moment. Our...
COMMENT: Cluster Munitions and Bill S-10
The federal government has tabled legislation, Bill S-10, An Act to Implement the Convention on Cluster Munitions. My party opposes this Bill because it does not signify an attempt to ratify the Convention on Cluster Munitions but in fact, proposes to make an exception to it. Cluster munitions can release hundreds of explosives over a large […]
COMMENT: Local councils are not fiefdoms
Small town B.C. may be facing a plague of what disgraced former U.S. vice president Spiro Agnew called the nattering nabobs of negativity or at least that's what a number of B.C. mayors and their allies would have you believe. The crime these nattering nabobs have committed? Having the temerity to challenge council gospel. In […]